Not a Holiday

Several of the cast members were jumping up and down behind all the guest stars— ostensibly from excitement and joy, but I like to think it’s to remind us that they’re on this show and to get some camera time.

When they let Jost and Che cut loose with some offensive jokes at the end of Weekend Update, it was the most I’ve laughed at these two in quite awhile, and you could tell they were having a great time doing edgier material than usual. Aside from that, this one was a misfire.

“Arguably”? Hey I know this site is a big socialist circle jerk but maybe at least be honest about the abject failure Venezuela has been.

That’s why it’s great.

Armada was so bad it traveled backwards in time to retroactively remove any good will I had from enjoying Ready Player One. I read Armada, and it kept getting weirder and worse and I kept think it would somehow improve and then it just ended.

It’s never been about Trump/Garrison. It’s always been about the citizens of South Park being a microcosm of America. We see Heidi and the Whites as stand-ins for Trump supporters, with the Whites being the more explicit version. But when we see Heidi realize that the fault of how she became an ugly person came from

For me, she belongs on the cover because 1) she was one of the few women who actually succeeded in a court of law over a man who assaulted her (and damn, that is NICE in a year where not enough abusers were held accountable; it was a rare victory) and 2) that’s kind of the point; it took an incredibly rich,

You.... do know Taylor sued a DJ who gropped her ass right? Sure they want to sell covers, but the fact she sued for only a dollar was a great symbol.

Not really though. He sued her because he felt entitled to act like that and got mad that she didn’t stand for it. It’s a different side of the same problem.

Maybe it’s just me, but I thought the Kyle stuff in this episode seemed like a direct response to the renewed criticism of the show’s tone in the wake of Trump’s election, including the AV Club’s own “South Park raised a generation of trolls” piece that got passed around a lot. The references to T+P’s nihlism, the

Rather than feeling boobs, it’s about humiliating and traumatizing in a particularly demeaning way and othering her from the “cool kids” since he obviously got other people involved in it.

Well, Mueller doesn’t have a Twitter account!

People really trying to go for this whole “Taylor Swift is a white supremicist” thing, huh.

I got it mixed up with the other paper that broke a story about a famous man being accused of sexual misconduct. Me culpa. My point stands, though, and your (and Jezebel’s) attempt to deflect from that point based on a trivial mistake is frankly pure cowardice.

Oh, sick burn. Way to deflect the conversation. They teach you that in “journalism school?”

I enjoy that the response from the Jezebel writers on being called out is to just correct you on which news outlet broke the story <eyeroll>

Uh, there were no allegations (not even anonymous ones) on record and Kirkman denied her article was about LCK. And the origin of the story appeared to be a Gawker article.

right there with you. I was blown away they brought him in this week for it. It’s a bad look... so when people drop the “Liberals are hypocrites” line, this is the type of stuff they point to. Even if you’re one of the misguided people who likes Alec Baldwin still, why give them any fodder?

Spoken like a true conspiracy theorist

A) Jezebel had a full page piece in support of Lupita’s op-ed within hours of it coming out.

B) The Weinstein response hit sometime late yesterday and got the low billing it deserves, in the next available Dirt Bag. Especially considering it hit right before the weekend and we know they switch over to night/weekend