Not a Holiday

At least it’s not an Armada sequel

Nothing says showing remorse and regret like calling all 8 of the women accusing you of sexual harassment liars during your resignation speech on the Senate Floor.

So her sexual assault doesn’t count?

This is like the fifth time Ross has royally screwed up a story. It’s a miracle he still has a job.

With FloSlam dying and YouTube’s shitty advertising policies it seems like now is the time for twitch to make big moves in the pro wrestling market.

So the Roy Moore defense, interesting strategy.

Y’all talking about The NWA’s own Billy Corgan?

Is there anybody here who hasn’t fingered my wife?!

Stale puffy Cheetos are the best Cheetos

Thats right George the Russians are going to use fake sexual assault allegations to take down a washed up celebrity who yells on twitter instead of the guy currently investigating Trump and Russian collusion.

Are we seriously at the point where celebrities have to tweet “I’m not a Nazi” to prove that they aren’t in fact Nazis??

What exactly was Gawker sourcing when they posted Hulk Hogan revenge porn?

A team WCW built around The Horseman and Sting should have the faction to take on and defeat The NWO. Unfortunately WCW was dumb as hell and ruined everything.

Because giving those racist nutjobs any attention only encourages them.

Hillary didn’t sign the bill because she wasn’t in Congress.

Why can’t SNL figure out this sexual misconduct in entertainment thing? Having Alec Baldwin do 2 sketches immediately after he criticized Rose McGowan and Larry David do an entire monologue about inappropriate times to hit on women is just dumb.

Olivia Munn first came out with her allegations in 2011. So I find it hard to believe that Patty Jenkins had no idea that Ratner was a predator.

TNA had a real shot in like 2006 to take on WWE. But seemingly every decision since then has been with the sole purpose to kill the company. 

Labor getting so entrenched in the Democratic Party has hurt it. Only supporting a single party disgruntles members of the union and allows Republicans to pass right to work and other anti-union legislation.

It’s easier for guys like Neville and Aries to make money away from WWE but can the same be said for female wrestlers? New Japan doesn’t have a women’s division and ROH only puts womens matches on YouTube.