Not a Holiday

Look What You Made Me Do is catchy as hell.

I’m beginning to think that Deadspin is not a fan of Barstool.

When I think who has smart and nuanced opinions about today’s hot button issues the first name that comes to mind is obviously Chelsea Handler.

Kind of like how Deadspin posted a video of a woman possibly being raped and refused to take it down.

You’re not helping.

I don’t really want to see Daniel Bryan wrestling again, brain injuries don’t just get better.

I don’t 100% buy this argument. The Rock got famous when he joined The Nation of Domination a black nationalst group. In fact once the Rocky Maivia character bombed WWE never really pushed the Samoan angle for The Rock.

Kind of hard to argue the “somber” tone of an episode that featured a sketch built around Gal Gadot and Kate McKinnon making out.

McDonald’s should bring the sauce back and just start throwing it at the people from the roof of the restaurants.

This episode didn’t do anything for me. Mostly because I have little to no tolerance for “woe is me” Lisa stories. Plus this episode was just a rip off of the Angry Dad episodes.

I’m pretty sure Gary Harris is a made up name.

I really liked this episode but them not even mentioning Harvey Weinstein was super cowardly.

She STABBED him!

Gendered insult aside Lindsay was a terrible human being last season who literally ruined Paul’s life and deserved to be called out on it.

I am all for him having a crisis after what Lindsay put him through last season. But I don’t see the point of going full evil.

I HATE that they turned Paul into a MRA. It’s such an unnecessary and mean thing to do to a character that they spent all of last season sympathizing.  

Good to know that Medieval Lisa is just as annoying as Regular Lisa.

Part of the problem was that a fair number of the fan designs were terrible.

There was so much exposition in this pilot.

And the Venture Brothers creators are hoping for 14 episodes over the next 5-10 years.