Trump would be playing this non stop and Bernie would lose.
Trump would be playing this non stop and Bernie would lose.
Given his lies about Romney in 2012 Harry Reid doesn’t have much credibility here.
I had no idea what Ken was doing in the last episode when he met the assassin.
I don't think killing somebody for a car worth a couple hundred buck of scrap is worth it. But who am I to judge a biker/car thief/murderer.
Todd hasn't redeemed the lottery ticket because he hasn't decided if he wants to actually redeem it.…
Billy Beane is a garbage GM. 3 years of pretty good teams surrounded by 10 years of crap.
How many murderous dictators had Schumer supported?
It's so odd how great the memberberries are animated.
Uncle Nephew sounds like a great guy.
there are people who like Councilman Jamm? Weird.
I think it could use a couple more propellers.
Aww, it just wants to be a BMW.
I'm glad Tandy's awful taste in cars finally bit him in the ass
This felt like a bunch of half assed B-stories cobbled together to fill out an entire episode.
I liked it. But I was not expecting that much violence.
It's like they split Last Man Standing into two separate shows.
Is the Pontiac Montana made out of aluminum siding?
The juice boxes and ants on a log were a great touch of Gretchen going full "mom".
It's just a matter of time until Paul snaps and brutally murders Lindsay.
Vernon continues to be the best.
More importantly, who cares?
It's nice to see the man ultimately responsible for Citizens United benefit from that decision.