Not a Holiday

Can we please make a final decision on whether we are cool with commissioners punishing players in legal trouble who are not charged for crimes.

What elected political office did she hold in Arkansas?

So you're just gonna pretend that Clinton hasn't been invading Middle East countries for her entire political career? And that her record on transparency would make Nixon blush?

Yes and he's still better than a sexual assault aficionado and a corrupt warmonger.

Gary Johnson is the lesser of 4 evils.

She isn't as bad as him, she is still bad, just not as bad as him.

That was still a product defect lawsuit. Which doesn’t apply to the Sandyhook case.

Corgan is actually the face in this situation.

I thought it was the Star Wars theme

Ben Folds setting up a merch table was amazing. Plus I really want a Ben Folds branded frisbee.

What a boring episode.

Not a fan of this episode.
Why did Jost talk about opioid overdose before Pete Davidson did a bit on balding?
The Wells Fargo bit would have been better if Miranda was actually doing something evil instead of just pushing savings accounts.

I feel like the Burns VR story could have been helped by including Bart.
Plus in an episode where Marge complains about not being given jokes, it would be nice if she got to actually have more jokes and not just be a buzzkill.

Not a huge fan of an election cold open, an election heavy Weekend Update, and an election Family Feud sketch. Keep the political stuff to the cold open and Weekend Update.

The sign under the Fuck Portlandia one is amazing.

Don’t forget that AAA owns the Pentagon Jr character.

They were saying that she was sick and she was lying about it. It turns out she was sick and she was lying about it. That's the literal definition of "proved".

It would have been best to announce it when she first got sick and have her surrogates go on tv and talk about how strong she was to campaign while having pneumonia. That way she could change her schedule accordingly and not be so weak that she collapsed in the street.

That understandable gamble proved those "HILLARY IS DYING" people right. Thus making things much worse than if she had just been honest in the beginning.

you mean after she said it was just allergies and after she basically collapsed in the street due to "overheating"?