
Good work Tim, great piece.

I know this is the internet and people really like to get pissy about minor things but I fail to see what the big deal is here. It's not like he showed his dick to Andrews, he was fired up, who gives a shit. I'm surprised he didn't drop an F-bomb or two, but honestly, I have watched his comments several times and I

You lost me when you insinuated Kanye West is a genius. He is a no talent ass hat. You are not a musical genius if your only instrument is sounds made by someone else on a computer and you marry a giant whore for a publicity stunt.
Other than that though, good article.
But seriously, fuck Kanye, he sucks.

How can a professional sports organization be run so poorly? Outside of this instance the browns have proved inept in every aspect of management. You would think the ginger hammer would have stepped in by now. It is really giving the whole league a bad image.

He is a professional football player, I think it is safe to assume that he has a history of concussions/TBI.

Still one of the greatest all girl bands of all time.

U jelly bro?

I'll tell you what my 1st sergeant told me when don't ask don't tell was repealed "don't flatter yourself and assume that you are gods gift to men and women. I assure you that you have nothing to worry about. No one, male or female wants to fuck you, save for maybe, and it's a big fucking maybe, your wife. Who I

This is probably going to be a thing now. Get you instergram ready for the new hashtag trend spreading cross the nation the "simultaneous win-fail... /puke

CreeperGuy: Aren't you worried about this going viral?

+1 for both creativity and originality

I am so proud of you for saying the things I want to say, but don't want in my comment history.

Junior Preditor here, I don't appreciate your industry using terms that lead me to believe I just found my dream job.

Clearly not combat arms.

Agree whole heartedly with your viewpoint

Kirk, how many times do I have to tell you, size doesn't matter, it's ok that you're a little more petite than the other boys, don't let the big black xbone immasculate you any further, I love you just the way you are.

Boy, you're a bigger buzz kill than Buzz Killington.

Exactly, this is why I will never buy a launch console. I appreciate those that do though as their hardships help the rest of us get much improved consoles in a year or so. I think these kinds of issues with launch consoles are common knowledge by now, how funny would it be though to find out that Sony sabotaged the

As a fellow thirty year old Eagles fan from Cincy, but instead of shin splints I have a rapidly degenerating spine, I approve this message.