
Wyandot just change the poster?

Skips new show should be called echo chamber.

Don't talk to any structural engineers or you may be in for a rude awakening. The infrastructure, specifically in the United States is decaying rapidly. It won't take much to take us offline for several years. Your nihilist attitude sounds great on paper, but if we can do anything to slow our impact on climate change

I miss you Owen, I used to lol forward to stick jockey every weekend :-(

I wonder how well you'll adapt without google, or electricity. As the ocean waters warm, storms become more powerful, it's only a matter of time before the aging infrastructure of our power grid is irreparably damaged and we undergo a few years with no power. I'm curious if the throngs of already disadvantaged and

Top 90% of what exactly?

1988 Super Bowl: I was five, my brothers and I bet my dad that of course Joe Montana and the 49ers would beat the bengals. If the bengals won, we agreed to do all of our chores without complaint for the entire year. If the 49ers won we got to pour a six pack of who dey branded beer over my dads head. I don't know if

I like it when Barry comes to work high.

Rumor has it that nationwide arena is built on an old Native American burial ground. As for me, I'd say the whole state of Ohio is.

Read your comment in the voice of emmet from the Lego movie. It's a perfect fit

Thanks for the link. I'd assumed it was for syncing the controller to the Xbox since that button seems to be missing. Mystery solved.

I’m not a doctor but...I have had extensive medical training. Pink fluid from the nose is likely cerebral fluid. Which we were always taught to recognize by the fact it is a sticky, pink-ish fluid that tastes sweet. Thankfully I never had to taste it. Couple that with the oddly specific name of the boner pills and the

This has got to be a move to boost physical disc sales right? Right? I am assuming the CoD sells more on Xbox (total guess) and so to encourage the off loading of as many physical discs as possible the cut digital sales on Xbox. It's the only thing that makes sense. Last time I visited GameStop they seemed relatively


is Jay Cutler too often criticized? Martellus: “They threw rocks at Jesus, & Jesus was an excellent guy who did a lot of awesome stuff.”

I’d be more concerned about the fallout nine months later.

More like Deus Ex: Consumers Divided amirite?!?!

Looks like Curts company fell victim to natural selection. But don't expect Curt to believe that.

I heard it was with a hockey stick in the back of a Volkswagen

This is high quality Kinja right here.