I think he forgets he's not a model anymore and his face should probably stop defaulting into poutish model faces.
I think he forgets he's not a model anymore and his face should probably stop defaulting into poutish model faces.
This all just sucks for me because I bought a Note with the hopes to use Office on the go, and now they're only releasing it to tablets. I wish there was some way for phablets to get their hands on the new apps.
I hatehatehate that it's possible for rich men to pay less-rich women to remove the evidence of their infidelity, especially when it involves abortion. As far as I'm concerned if a dude doesn't want a kid he should use protection. If he doesn't he has no right to ask a woman to alter her body and future and undergo a…
I'm judging him for trying to pay off a lady to get rid of evidence he stepped out, and now he suddenly thinks he has a right to that baby and wants full custody. If he really does care about his kid, he could have actually led with something showing he wanted to care and work on building a relationship, not snatching…
Going from "I don't want this baby at all I will pay you to not have it" to "I want to make all the choices for this baby and spend all my time with it!" is a very FAST 180. He should at least ease in with partial custody and visiting to make sure he really does want this AND to ensure that the poor kid isn't gonna…
So many people are saying it's totally okay for him to pressure her to abort the child but it makes me squeamish. I don't like the idea of a rich man trying to bribe away proof of possible infidelity and definitely stupidity to a woman who might(I don't know her circumstances but I doubt she has nearly as much money…
I do the same think Niki...
I know I get paid shit; I make $11 which is better than anyone at my level at my job. $15 would be amazing, but I promise the cost of living would go up and it would feel like I was making more like $8 than $15.
It has nothing to do with looking down on people. I firmly believe that most companies will raise wages, but the fact is that there will be a moment in time where someone who went to school and makes $15/hr will make the same money as someone who dropped out of HS and works at McDs at $15/hr, while the cost of living…
You SEVERELY overestimate education the world, especially in largely Catholic countries.
Considering the lack of sexual education available to children and adults worldwide, the religion that these women have chosen to spend their lives in, and the sequestration of nuns, I would not be surprised if she honestly did not know a whole lot about sex or that she could be pregnant.
Mine used to do that and now nothing, the PS3 won't even pick up anything on DNLA. :(
I think everyone remembers 2004 very vividly down here. We all want a repeat of the awesome parts but not so much the accidents and deaths.
That's not really what happens but when you live where I live, where it's actually snowed and stuck to the ground only twice in the past 80 years, an inch of snow is something a lot of people haven't ever seen or only seen once in their lives. Nobody knows how to drive in it, except migrated northerners. We still…
Fentanyl patches saved my mom on a daily basis. Without them her cancer would have been beyond debilitating. Admittedly when she reached late-stage, they were pretty much the most mild thing she was on.
I agree; it looks a lot like the dude sort of seduces her into sleeping with him and then continues to be a huge creep as soon as she tries to call it off.
THANK YOU for explaining why Fassy looks so familiar.
Dude, chill out. I'm not insulting you, I don't care what you do with your life as long as it's not hurting others. I said how I would feel in her place, which I guess you took as highly offensive.
I doubt she appreciated you using your cleverness and creativity to craft a story specifically designed as a lie and one that likely made her feel like a fool afterwards.
Though I prefer female characters ignored to bashed/made homophobic just for the sake of shipping.