
Amen. I never had a man tell me he thought I was attractive or ask me out until I met my fiance. I was a horny fucker so I really just wanted somebody to bone and therefore believed in cutting out the BS. Which is why I told guys I was interested in them, flat out.

Personally I think I'd just be pissed it was fake and my fiance though it was hilarious to lie to me.

It's probably because girls mature early...

Fucking amen. It's not a girl's fault that you're a creepy bastard who's fixated on her and are completely in your own little world and utterly inconsiderate of what she might be thinking or feeling.

The thing is, as someone who craves more romance in her relationship, every one of those little romance ideas would be excellent. The main thing in all these stories is that the men aren't actually thinking about the women; they're thinking about themselves. No woman is going to like a grand romantic gesture that's

I know nothing about Hetalia, but I do know that so many of the slash fans I'm familiar with (of live action slash fandom gems such as Sherlock, Supernatural, Teen Wolf, etc.) saying oh but the women are poorly written to clearly they don't matter! We'd ship het if ONLY there were decent women!

It really shows when "fandom" jumps all over shows with vast swaths of male characters and ignores shows starring women in similar genres and plots. It's a fetish, a harmful, destructive, embarrassing fetish that embraces that men are teh best and if only all men loved other men we'd have no need for terrible cheating

Everyone is losing their shit over the cervix thing, but not a single comment about how he basically fucking raped a dude?

I was at my local target recently and realized that these items were probably intended to be one/two aisles over on the men's aisle(shaving cream, deodorant, soap, etc.) like in my store.

So much nostalgia for Photobucket...

Yeah, at least America tries to deal with the shit we caused, but it's more like too little too late. Instant breaks when it comes to public assistance doesn't exactly equate to genuine reparations.

Lol well I know this not because I've read 50sog but because I have done it myself. It's comfortable actually, not any warmer than if you microwaved massage oil. Admittedly I haven't used that particular product but I have used other massage candles with great success.

Wow. It's incredible the number of Americans and Canadians who think America was the worst offender when it came to native peoples.

Wow, when I worked at Target we kept this fun stuff two aisles over. C'mon now.

Solid massage oil that can only be turned into actual oil by lighting a candle and pouring rather hot wax on your back! Exciting.

This is flying over WAY to many people's heads...

Same; I prefer bulge to outright penis. The only dick I want to really look at is the one I'm having sex with.

I don't think it would be, right at this minute, since we already have a better deal with them than we can get anywhere else. But I hope that they keep it, at least for another year so when we go to school and end up having to get separate plans we can utilize it.

Agreed. The church is being shitty, sure, but she knew they weren't okay with the situation and still willingly pursued a job there and when they originally told her it was an issue, she ignored them. So yeah, it's a bad situation and the church sucks for hiring her knowing she was ~living in sin~ and then going back

Yeah, we deal with being marginalized enough, but I can't imagine how much it must suck to be told oh yeah you're not gay enough for us. Which is why I've stayed out of queer spaces IRL.