I think that might be beneficial for my fiance because he hardly ever talks on the phone, but since we both have phones with T-Mobile that we're paying off so I don't know if they'd let us switch like that.
I think that might be beneficial for my fiance because he hardly ever talks on the phone, but since we both have phones with T-Mobile that we're paying off so I don't know if they'd let us switch like that.
I assume you must bring your own phone to that plan? I couldn't find it when I was signing on with them...
what is your company, is it hiring, and where is it based.
I was planning to watch it but then I read the article on Jez about the rape scene and I don't really know if I want to willingly subject myself to that kind of thing all for a fun teen soap.
While insanely and ridiculously extreme, I can't help but agree. There are no teenagers, period, who can make the choice to have a child with full awareness of the consequences. Or apparently have sex without awareness of the consequences. Of course, in reality, it would have to fall to parents to approve BC, which…
Yeah, Texas is so full of shit. As a fully native Texan, I say that, too. Health class is a complete joke, especially the further south you get.
Or he could have not fucking proposed to someone he didn't love.
I'm so glad she shared her story and her feelings. It's one of the hardest choices anyone can ever make for themselves and their future and their child, and I respect that she didn't pretend it's some flippant choice she'd do again in a heartbeat if she got pregnant.
That's not really a conservative POV, actually. Aren't they all about multiplying?
Was he sharing with Cosby?
It's true; people absolve children of all responsibility and yet assume that somehow as they get older they will magically assume this massive responsibility in life. I've experienced symptoms of severe depression since I was a tween and yet most people refuse to believe me when I tell them that a clinical…
That KILLS me with my poor wrangler. So many unused spots. It's not a base base model and I bought it used so I can't complain too much, but it always frustrates me. Especially after reading the manual and seeing all the sweet stuff I'm missing out on.
Listen to lots of Girl in a Country Song to counter it.
Listening to God Made Girls back to back with Girl in a Country song is like night and day. Nothing makes me more furious about the fucked up way we see women than those two songs.
My brother bought a '64 vette for 5k that was in way, way better condition than this one. All was original except for the new transmission. The only visible problems it had was lights needed to be replaced and bad brakes. Both got fixed right off...and then it stopped working. Took months to get a mechanic to look at…
Yup. And if boyfriend wasn't completely communicative, just wanting sex and wanting sex without thinking to communicate as clearly as he could the problems they were having, it might have contributed to her discomfort about sex with him because all she was feeling was he was trying to force bad sex on her and that can…
The thing is, a lot of women don't even know saying those things is an option. They think that literally, all they have the possibility for is what they're getting. They might not realize they didn't orgasm because there wasn't any chemistry or because he came faster or because she couldn't feel him. They might now…
It's not so much physical fear as it is psychological. If I let him know I didn't come, then he's going to be upset that I didn't and possibly blame me. If he blames me he could get mad at me. If he gets mad at me anything could happen. Lots of women don't have sex with people they trust because that's not ever…
Because typically men take charge in sexual situations. Most women don't just lay there, but for most women it takes a lot more than the act of PIV to enjoy sex, which is usually the only sexual stimulation a man is providing(either because he doesn't think to, doesn't know to, or doesn't want to). Plus, a lot of…
Also, if you actually bothered to learn anything about female sexuality you might actually not even have to be smart enough to detect lies, because there would be none!