
It may seem terrifying, but the internet is the place. I have heard stories of lots of asexuals or people in unique situations who found what they were looking for. The only community I'm familiar with is Reddit but I presume you could utilize almost any dating site?

I just tested it out and it's possible, you just gotta use your fingers more and less your palm to move the mouse.

I was always told to NEVER rest your palms on it like that because THAT led to carpel tunnel. Needless to say I've just never used any kind of rest if I can avoid it.

I home-make pizzas all the time and I can attest to how cheap it is. You need the basics, ofc, but you can buy them all in bulk(ish) and store them and make multiple pizzas out of the supplies.

I had to double-check to see if this comment had been made in 2012

It's actually not possible to be high or drunk and give consent to sex while under the influence. TMYK!

I think that's another key element that makes me happy lol. Fiance is incredible at knowing planes, helos, and guns on sight, and then being able to take them apart and put them back together. I'm more like whuh??

I hope so! I have a lot of insecurities about being rejected for being perceived as smarter than others due to always being the smartest outcast in the room. But I have never heard a negative work from fiance about my plans or intelligence, so I'm hoping that trend continues. I feel bad sometimes because he hasn't had

I really, really hope that doesn't happen to me and my fiance. We both want to pursue military careers and he knows mine is already planned for a higher trajectory. But he says one of the things that attracted him to me is how smart I am, I just hope it doesn't turn out to be a case like yours. :/

Well I have no plans for watching The Fall and will only pirate 50sog so I think I'm good lol

See I've only seen him on Once and there he's absolute a good guy who sacrifices for good and has bad things happen to him but in the end dies a good guy

Why no article on this too?

Every time I saw a sign for him in his election I read it as such. Delightful commute.

He's always struck me as a bit of a flubbery idiot.

This dude is my congressman, too. My fiancee has met him several times and I know people who work for him; so fucked up. Ugh. I hate people.

I saw Dustin Lynch this weekend and dude looks just as stupid/drunk/foolish in person. My fiancee in fact believes he's an escaped porn star on drugs.

Seventeen, pretty desperate to fuck, and pretty much picked the first guy who showed any interest in me. Fortunately he was an amazing guy and we are actually now engaged so yay me.

After having some graphics design friends show me how much jpg deteriorated after being saved time and time again, I switched to all png all the time. I was always under the impression that I was actually a late adopter and jpg was on the way out except for in certain circumstances(and I guess in way that's true; most

I think your husband might be actually an alien.

Sadly enough my very sweet fiance made the mistake of downing some wasabi one time, and it turned him bright red. I learned that day that it is possible for him to actually turn red(he's a very dark black guy).