
ARE they the same people? Do you have proof of that? Or are you grouping together people based solely on the fact that they belong to a party full of a variety of views? (And some of them might not even be part of said party?) You're spewing the same kind of hateful vitriol at a generalized group that some

Funny how you only care about the situation as a way to call out Republicans...

I hate to be that person, but, uh, it's true that this probably won't get a ton of traction in mainstream media. Not when there's so much else going on in the news about rape and it is about a Dem. That's just how it is. News media is biased and everyone knows it(and knows which ones are biased which way), and it IS

She looks like a very hungry vampire from TVD...

Ironically enough, we can't actually get married yet because we can't have any dependents or spouses if we follow the immediate school plans we have (NROTC/OCS/Cadet Corps for him, AFROTC for me, though my plans are less set in stone).

Well that truly blows. Funny enough, I'm actually going to be married well before I hit that absurd age limit, so yay there, but I'm going to hopefully be moving on to a University before I get to the date we picked out, too.

Well how the hell does that happen? I AM independent. I hardly speak with him, in fact. I'm planning on filing and claiming myself this year, as opposed to years past, so I was thinking that would clear things up. But I have to actually jump through hoops with each school I want to apply to just so I can let them know

This isn't a very good tool for anyone who isn't a traditional student. For example, my mom passed away almost two years ago and my dad just got remarried two weeks ago(there's no way to indicate that one of your parents is dead in the questions). I have been self-supporting since I was 16, I live on my own and have

My mom always used to do this and I inherited her 30+yo cast iron skillets that we still use almost daily. I never thought it was taboo until my fiance was shocked to see me washing one.

I have a 2003 Wrangler and the ignition has started locking on me; I inset the key and it doesn't move at all, though sometimes if I wriggle it a bit it will kick through and turn to the start position. I had a new key made and someone suggested that I spray graphite at the problem rather than getting a new ignition,