As always, the NFL wants its players to remain silent and non-reactive to unjust violence.
As always, the NFL wants its players to remain silent and non-reactive to unjust violence.
Being treated like a bad guy for expressing displeasure in reaction to some really shitty conduct by others is totally unheard of among NFL players.
Guys, I’m thinking this might not be about the anthem, after all...
...that uncomfortable moment when you realize as a black football player that your fans will support you as long as you are willing to risk your health to bash your head in for their enjoyment but the moment you start standing up for things that are important to you as a black man they turn on you.....
Did you know that Fox doesn’t show anthems because they sell ads for the time right before kickoff?
Look, I work hard 6 days a week. Can’t I have a Sunday free of prayer?
Been lied on a lot over the years
The absolute ruining of RGIII by the severe mismanagement of the Washington staff was fucking horrendous.
“Because now you see this guy is at home. And, to be honest with you, I give it to you raw. I don’t know no other way to give it to you — raw and uncut, I always say that.”
Robert Griffin is like that freshman in college who goes through 5 roommates his first semester because all of THEM are crazy.
“Former Browns QB... yeah, who isn’t, kid.”
I think Charmin Sandiego is a better name than The Mad Pooper.
That doesn’t mean it was OK for him to be drunk in public in front of cops.
Look, I’m not saying it was a fine performance by any stretch. Our guys were beaten to every second ball, our backline gave away possession too easily, the final ball was lacking (to say the least), and Costa Rica got in our heads...but there were plenty of build-up opportunities for us that I’m just not seeing the…
No one, and that’s the point. Good team sometimes struggle in qualifying but do fine in the tournament finals. Conversely, mediocre teams (like England) can dominate qualifying and then revert to form at the finals. The US happens to be at a point where key players are starting to age out and/or have maxed out their…
Not a great performance tonight, but I swear I must have been watching a different game Friday night. Sure, the final ball lacked any quality and the defense was a bit of a mess, but minus two spectacular saves and a swallowed whistle on that foul on Jozy...was it really that lopsided a match? All the commentary I’ve…
I don’t want to get into a macro-level discussion about the state of soccer in the US. We should be so much better than Honduras that our 3rd stringers demolish them. Our population is 33 times larger than that of Honduras, and they are one of the poorest countries in the world. It defies all logic that they do not…
Evidently the Honduran Soccer Association is aware that games should be played in as hostile conditions as possible for the visiting team. Maybe they can inform someone at US Soccer about this.