I'm a human you're a bear!

I am so jealous.  I adore Decca.

I heard she also calls her Decca but I’m not sure if that’s true.

Diana wasn’t the second eldest, you forgot about Pam!  Poor Pam.  Everyone forgets about her.

Filliam H. Muffman is my favourite too!  Sniff

All the lawyers I know (including my sister) hate their jobs. They make globs of money but hate going to work every day. I make peanuts at my public library job but absolutely love going in to work every day.

Whales are for boys!!  That’s not even computing in my brain.  What on Earth?!

My husband and I got married after knowing one another nine months, and it’s great, we are still madly in love nine years later, yadda yadda but I still give my past-self side-eye for marrying a guy that soon. You didn’t even know that guy, past self!!

I love that movie so much.  The Wha Happened scene kills me every time.

Same! I love that movie.

Oh it does!  My husband hates ABBA (he’s weird) and so when he’s not home my kids crank it up and live their best lives.  Waterloo is also a favourite.

My kids recently discovered this song and were like “Where has this song been all my life.” They are OBSESSED.

It was even longer ago than that, but I only know that because I read a biography of Catherine the Great, who had herself and her son vaccinated against smallpox.  The king of France strongly objected and told her she was mad to do such a thing.  She and her son were inoculated, and the French royal family proceeded

BUT also, I am not defending the Catholic Church at all.  Just to be clear.  It’s terrible.

I can’t comment on Gaga’s school but the Catholic school in my community is accepting of LGBTQ2 students/parents.  There is a family with two dads and the kids sometimes read books about how there are all different kinds of families.  We are in Canada, though.  

Yes it does


It worked for John Goodman in 10 Cloverfield Lane, because he was TERRIFYING

You need more stars for this

This is also a pet peeve of mine.  I have some family members who do not listen AT ALL and you can tell that while you’re speaking to them, they are just waiting impatiently for their turn to speak, and are not registering anything coming out of your mouth.  GRRRRR

Same here. I loved Get Out and I would love to see this but I hate seeing children in danger or even emotional distress.  I always spoil these movies for myself but I have to.