I'm a human you're a bear!

Oh man, my husband and I got stomach flu at the same time about two years ago, and we had a puking three-year-old and non-puking one-year-old to look after. It was hellish. I called my mom and begged her to come save us. The only thing that is better about that scenario is that at least you know you haven’t done it

Oh man, I feel your pain. I only had morning sickness with my second, which is brutal. Why couldn’t I have had it with my first, when I didn’t have a toddler all over me?

There’s room for you AND Bobby on the door!

I am slow clapping

For a split second I thought you meant the band Rush and I was horrified. They’re Canadian! They were on Trailer Park Boys! They’re supposed to be nice! Then I remembered Limbaugh. Phew. Need a second coffee, obvs.


Ah! I love that movie! “You’re concerned about my wallaby?”

That’s awful. When my grandmother had a baby who died shortly after he was born (he was a blue baby), the doctor wasn’t going to let her see or hold him. Apparently one of the nurses defied him and let my grandmother hold her baby and she always said she was so grateful that she got that chance and that he was her

My first baby had a 1 in 4 chance of having Down Syndrome and you better believe I went ahead and had an amniocentesis to find out for sure. Same as you, I wanted to find out about potential heart issues. My husband has hypertrophic cardiomyopathy so my kids already have a chance of developing that. It’s SO

They have a very similar mouth/upper lip area.

I just started watching it last night (which made this post a weird coincidence) and I had to stop because it was making me sad. I might finish or I might not, depending on my mood. Little Edie is certainly endearing and lovable, I just feel so bummed for her. I definitely wouldn’t want to watch it again.

Weird. Why do they do that? Was it overcast that day? Is the view out the window obscured and they think people won’t notice when they view the house? I’m genuinely curious.

Argh I love it. We have the politest raccoons at our cottage that just gently slide our compost lid aside each night and eat what they like (they hate lemons!) and never leave a mess. They are such genteel raccoons.

Oh, I’m so happy for you. It took me a while to be able to not freak out inside when my husband got frustrated or momentarily angry about something. I’m at that point now (we’re 7 years married) but it took some time to unlearn that anxiety.

I did too and it’s so great! My dad can be pretty moody so in the early years of our marriage I would often get really nervous when my husband got momentarily angry about something (e.g. hanging a picture and it not being straight) because that sort of thing would ruin my dad’s entire day and make everyone else

I think I want to hang out with drunk you.

Me neither. I volunteer for a Women’s Shelter and for a while we had a donation box in our government liquor stores (Canada) and some people had an issue with that because they think alcohol somehow causes abuse. It doesn’t. Abusers cause abuse. The alcohol is an excuse and we’re trying to get that word out.

I somehow never heard the tapes or read the transcripts before and they’re absolutely horrifying. Jesus Christ. I knew about the anti-Semitism and the “sugar tits” comment but not the actual wishing rape and death upon his girlfriend. I’m so angry right now. Fuck him.

Reminds me of an Onion article about WWII in which (I’m paraphrasing) Japan joins forces with white supremacists in well-thought-out plan.

I try to give people a pass when they say things like “I would never” when it has to do with the past e.g. owning slaves, turning a blind eye to the Holocaust. I mean, most of us probably would have just gone along to get along, and been obedient. But a lot of people can’t accept that, so okay. But this woman