I don’t have any advice to give, but I just think you sound like a great, supportive friend, and she’s lucky to have you.
I don’t have any advice to give, but I just think you sound like a great, supportive friend, and she’s lucky to have you.
I don’t know, my five-year-old has a really impressive attention span. Trump is also lacking the inherent curiosity of kids that age. And the compassion. And...everything that is good about kids, basically.
I’m not American but I did take an American History course in university and I’m also an avid watcher of Drunk History. Based on these two things, I’m going to go out on a limb and say that I know more about U.S. history than the current president does.
There is no mosque close to where I live so instead I donated to the Islamic Cultural Centre of Québec and encouraged friends to do the same. It’s small, but it’s something.
For some reason that made-up word forced me to pronounce it with a bad German accent inside my head. Das ist mein goosband.
Eighty! Wow! I’ve challenged myself to read 30 books and I’ve read 5 so far. Although I have two small kids so they take up a lot of my time/energy. That’s my excuse and I’m sticking to it.
That is such a good book! Enjoy.
I’ll have to check that out, because I keep hearing that time-outs don’t work. Thanks.
I completely agree. I was spanked (once, I think) as a child and my mom still apologizes to me for it and I’m 37 years old. She still feels awful about it. Now that I have kids of my own, I totally understand how she could have become overwhelmed and done it. I’ve never spanked my kids and my husband and I are on…
Are you me? I qualify for a Métis card here in Ontario but I’m also a white French Canadian woman. My parents also harassed me into using Métis identity to get jobs, etc. I went along with it at first (people-pleaser!) but now I’m really annoyed at them for it. I don’t think they really understand why it would…
Argh! Video not available in my country! But we love your (current) president too! Blast.
Ooooh, that’s good to know re. The Handmaiden. I loved the book Fingersmith and will watch anything related to it.
I am Canadian and I approve this message.
You sound like an awesome lady. I love little, old and loud. :)
My dad (who is a nurse!) suffered a cardiac arrest and he is alive today only because the wonderful woman who did CPR on him kept going for 20 minutes until the paramedics arrived. The other thing people do wrong is that they don’t push hard enough, and she pushed hard enough to break some ribs. But he’s alive. …
It’s so impressive that she was this witty in a second language. I’m not even half this clever in my first. Oh well, when in Rome...
The treatment of indigenous people is certainly Canada’s greatest source of shame. I’m cautiously optimistic that we’re heading in the right direction (that is, acknowledging these wrongs and trying to address them together.)
Have you read Going Clear? Because Paul Haggis *really* does not come off as humble or sweet, at all. He seems really self-absorbed.
“SPORTS ARE NOT THAT IMPORTANT. It’s not like a religious obligation or an ethical line. It’s superstitious bullshit but because it’s associated with men it’s all considered rational and worthy.”
This is why I like the term “Recovering Catholic.” I’m horrified by most of what the Catholic church stands for but I just can’t help loving all the stained glass and beautiful hymns, you know?