
The lack of triathlon-related doping stories in mainstream media could be a function of triathlon’s low level of public interest as a spectator sport. When most people think “triathlon” they’re basically thinking the Ironman (much like people who ask how long your marathon was).

I thought that FB troll’s list had a fair number of useful skills for anyone to have, but he totally lost me at “rappelling down the face of a building without proper equipment.”

First time I ever heard that phrase was on Family Guy and used to describe Sarah Jessica Parker. No clue where they got it from, though.

I don’t know about the CUMB, but most college marching bands play more than just a halftime show. There’s every possibility that the football team actually appreciated the marching band’s decision to show up for that RI game, especially if the Columbia crowd was as feeble as predicted.

If Rocker had the skills of Rivera and the Braves had won a World Series while he was on their roster, we absolutely would be having this conversation about him. Rivera-level talent would have resulted in a whole herd of Rocker apologists.

Dude, it’s amazing in this day and age how many people who look old enough to know better have no idea how to successfully travel through a metal detector. Not just in the airport, but practically every government facility has a security checkpoint and people still walk through with their janitor-level amount of keys

I think USC’s band is way more entitled than Stanford’s. At least Stanford’s band has no delusions of talent.

I got my Dutch oven for $40 at Target. Even if it’s only half as good as the W-S version I came out ahead.

That’s a dare the NFL would absolutely take.

To be fair, college is a constant stream of bad decisions for a lot of guys.

How did you slip an even slightly pro-Trump post past the editors?

I don’t know how Matt has managed to live this long and not amass a pile of fast-food napkins in his glove compartment. Hell, you go through the McDonald’s drive through for an Egg McMuffin and you get at least a half-dozen napkins in the bag. Loogie problem solved right there.

What, Kristen Cavallari’s guest spot on “The League” isn’t enough to make her famous?

You’re right. I do feel old.

I thought he did OK with what little they gave him to work with in Ace Ventura: Pet Detective.

Yeah, that’s what I gathered after watching the trailer with the sound off. I don’t see any way to defend that scene.

Same thing happened to me my first time on a dirtbike. I was going pretty slow, and the next thing I knew I was on the ground. I managed to ding the bike up pretty well for only going about 15 mph, but 30 years later and I still have no idea how I ended up off the bike.

The intended meaning of the line might be a lot different if it were coming from a cop or an FBI agent as opposed to a family member or close friend. There’s no way to dress up the first, but the second could be an opinion of hopelessness. Assuming that scene from the trailer is where the line originated, I doubt

TBH, I find “fact checking” articles to be generally worthless.

Regardless of the plausibility of some of these “action items,” it seems to me that we’ve just stretched the concept of “fact check” way beyond rationality.