
Eh, they probably used the same reasoning behind Statham’s role as a Seattle cop in Chaos. By that, I mean to say that they waved something bright and shiny over to one side in order to get you to forget all the British accents going on over on the other side.

It took me until they “killed” Peter to finally quit comics. I salute you for saving your money.

Go barefoot, I’d guess.

I’ve managed to avoid two speeding tickets using this strategy, although the first time the officer involved decided to have a little fun with me and said that there was an outstanding arrest warrant against me for a bar fight in a neighboring town. The officer claimed he was going to have to take me in to figure this

You avoided tamales or the Mexican-American side of your family? I could approve of either, to be honest.

While I think such an idea is terrible, I think you could probably enforce it to an acceptable level by using something similar to weigh stations that trucks have to pass through when they cross state lines. They’d have to be a hell of a lot bigger than weigh stations, of course.

Mine’s pretty tame compared to most of these. When I was a kid I took a spill on my bike and decided to break my fall with one wrist and my forehead. One broken arm and my first concussion (complete with a loss of consciousness) later, I ended up in the hospital for an overnight stay. One of the meals I got came with

Just had that for lunch today.

Is that a tire tread in the oil spot on the ceiling?

Hulk works with the Avengers as a team in AoU except for the scene following the Scarlet Witch’s mindgames. It’s not like he’s just wildly rampaging around Sokovia and just happens to help out at the end.

Yeah, but that boil-down of the splits from the CBA doesn’t really show how much of the media and/or merchandising is essentially free money to the team. I’d be more willing to hop on the “ownership has costs” bandwagon if I thought that Jerry Jones (for example) had to actually pay anything for all the team-logoed

I might attribute that to either an increased cost in the refinement of higher-octane fuels or a perceived higher demand for them. If I had to pick (and I’m not saying either of these guesses is correct) I’d lean toward the demand.

Those were the two movies I tried. Drinking Buddies is even set in a good brewery in Chicago and I couldn’t do it. It didn’t help that movie that it was advertised as a comedy and I had yet to even smile at anything.

I have not seen that movie yet and didn’t realize she was in it until I looked at her page. It’s now in my queue, but it might be a while before I get to it.

Yeah, at that point I’ll just do a Google image search. It’s a lot faster.

If you’re right I’m going to be very sad. Zach Lowe’s articles are easily the highlight of my basketball season.

I’ve really tried to make that plan work but I just can’t do it. Aside from Scott Pilgrim (which isn’t really *her* movie) and Rapture-Palooza, the movies Netflix has with her in them have made me want to flee my apartment after about 15 minutes.

Right there with you. I realized after watching one of the Marvel movies that if I ever had Chris Evans’ physique (or something close to it) I’d probably spend the next few days doing nothing but flexing.

Clearly that incentive isn’t enough, since Dwight Howard is a career 57% FT shooter after 10 years in the league and DeAndre Jordan is an embarrassing 42% at the line over 6.

Does Hulk say anything more than “puny god” in Avengers? I was wondering about that after someone posted a bit of trivia on the AoU page on that Hulk has no lines in the second go-round.