
Maybe. "Pandering" used to be the formal charge for being a pimp, but "Human trafficking" is defined at least in one state in such a way that many of the same things that makes one a pimp can be shoehorned into the definition of human trafficking.

Sure, that part's obvious. Now go find the replacement source of revenue.

Well, you're assuming that Illinois somehow sequesters its fuel-tax revenues to use solely for road repair (you know, like the lottery proceeds were originally supposed to be used to fund education). Since Illinois can't pay any of its bills with the current levels of taxation, losing that fuel tax revenue would be

That's the whole point of the article. The ball was *never* going to hit the rim, with or without Moreira's involvement.

Huh. In the Midwest a lot of grocery store change-counters give you the option of getting a gift card instead of cash. With that option you save the ridiculous vig you just paid Coinstar or whoever.

Can we just admit now that "Adequate Man" wasn't such a great idea in the first place and give up before things get much worse?

Possibly because dealing with the aftermath of a parent's death could be an entirely separate article, chock full of stuff like filing your parent's last tax returns and dealing with the disposition of property (assuming your parents weren't still married and one is still alive).

A fraction of an inch. You can do the experiment if you'd like, but if you can notice the difference at the end of the day I'd be very surprised.

This particular sequence has me fighting not to laugh out loud each time I see it.

A frittata cooked by an ageusiatic, perhaps, but not one cooked by me.

I'd be really interested to see how the NBAPA tries to get rid of the salary cap. Sure, it might end up putting more money in the hands of a percentage of the union's members (there will always be idiotic GM's and owners in the league with more money than sense) it would seem to be ultimately self-defeating for the

As nice as this idea sounds, I wouldn't hold my breath waiting. I believe Congress had a chance to change copyright laws (or at least the duration of a copyright) last year and decided not to.

I love this guy's bit! "I can't even go to Taco Bell anymore because it sounds too much like Pachelbel."

However you define "making your bed," I say do it. Even after all the benefits in the article, when you make your bed in the morning you start the day off with an (admittedly minor) accomplishment. Making my bed gets me in a better frame of mind to handle the crap I'm currently avoiding by commenting on this article.

I saw something in a different setting that seems like it might be effective. According to the story, Jerry Seinfeld's goal early in his career was just to keep writing better jokes. To do that, every day he wrote something, no matter how bad, he'd mark his calendar. His mindset wasn't "write a great joke," it was

Hell, the jellyfish were probably the LEAST lethal animal the natives were likely to encounter that day, and they're limited to being in the water. What's to worry about?

That's even worse.

At this point I'm just waiting for the random freak injury we seem to get every year during spring training. I expect that he'll somehow manage to crack a rib picking up his suitcase or sneezing.

I'm going to have to stay as far away as possible from TV this weekend. This clip is going to be played way too often for me to handle.

So the movie gets more interesting? I started this a while back and got bored with it during Act 1. Maybe it's worth another shot.