
Agreed, some idiot with a $24.99 wi-fi router that lacks MIMO will be crying because their PS4 and vita can't both connect and blame SONY for it.

Thanks i was a bit scared when I didn't see DCUO on the list as I see this being available at launch as HUGE for the DCOU game.

The original PlayStation controller debuted in 1994. The more familiar DualShock was released in 1997. The PlayStation 3 controller you're using today, well into the 21st century, is almost identical to that 1997 design. Let's think about that for a second. It's now 2013, and if you've got a PS3, you're still using a

Look if you disagree with what occurred in the comic or with the choices made by the powers that be then fine, it is after all your opinion. However to imply the comic itself is an EXAMPLE of a terrible comic itself doesn't hold water.. The whole series is wonderfully written [By a New York Times Best selling

Yep, I know there are other sites that reported the same thing[ I thought Kotaku had as well] but corporate firewall blocks most gaming sites so I linked to what I could find because I hate passing on information I "think" I remember reading without some sort of source.

Scotch and Bourbon fans continue to duke it out while the real winners sit back sipping their Irish, contently savoring the flavor of victory.

there are other factors that make Obama' Heath-care illogical in that Many of the details haven't been worked out yet. For example the law as written indicates if an employee works over 30 hours week the employer must provide benefits or be fined x% multiplied by the number of full time employees [ this includes any

Doesnt the WOWWAY Arris already have a skip button [30 seconds, 3 min, 5 min, 15 min]] and a replay button [7 seconds reverse]? or is that only for the Wowwy ultra?

That must be why I said"Santa" is bringing MY sons their gift not yours. Please note I would not presume to impose on your family's personal traditions or values. Insulting a person in that manner is just crass.

When "Santa" brings my sons their Day one PS4 on Christmas Morning it will have magically been plugged in and updated in advance

The problem with that is that DC is owned by a corporation that already owns a studio and marvel was [at that time] not. Because WB previously licensed out characters willy nilly [as did Marvel] I believe DCE is now acting as a gate keeper until various licenses expire [remember when the teen titans had to trade

Do you mean something like DC Entertainment headed by Diane Nelson?

Hatters are gonna Hat!

RE the Sony Receiver. I have this receiver and while I am pleased with it the HDMI boards are FUNKY. I currently have HDMI input 1 and 3 blown and my Local repair shop contacted Sony about a replacement board only to learn that they no longer make or stock it.

Being a refurb it is possible that they fixed whatever

My one item is the house. If I take the house, and it is on fire, then all my remaining stuff will saved when it is left behind.

You and Me both!


Personally I see a difference between a time limited download that automatically expires and a permanent download the is locked to the app

Want to know how one of these services could be different? Add an Actual or Virtual DJ that cuts in and announces the track title and artist. Perhaps even a tidbit about the group. If coupled with Siri or Google Now and GPS it could even announce when the artist will be in the area for a concert or the latest

There are still plenty of reasons to have a land line and desk phone.

Land line 911 is more accurate in sending responders to the precise location the call was made from.
Alarm systems work better on a dedicated line than on a cellular one.
During a power outage when cell towers lose power Land lines do not.
During a