
A Smart move would be a 2 game pair using the same [or similar engine]

In the first game you play as Deathstroke, you are hired to capture various Justice league Heroes. Game is complete when you capture all of them and turn them over to what ever Mysterious organization [HIVE/League of Assassins/Intergang ETC]

In the

If equal access to the Deaf are enough to justify Closed Captioning for Television the I would think it is equally enough to justify it for Vlogs. Accept it! It is coming . Even Netflix reversed it's stand.

I'm not familiar with the MS apps, were they time limited or permanent downloads?

I have other things to listen to on my commute. The whole move from text to podcast/vlog annoys me. Text is an equalizer. I can scan the text visually for "key" information if I don't have time to thoroughly read it. Can't do that with a vlog or podcast. I can read it at my own speed which may vary from the speed of

Some of us work in offices where we cannot watch videos but can read text. Why not do both???? Have a text transcription after the vlog.

Luke force chokes the gamorian guards when he enters Jabba's palace at the beginning of Jedi

I call shenanigans! The rural areas of Michigan have a faster connection than the urban areas? I think someone got their crayolas mixed up.

Yes and then if NO contract is required imagine the number Parents who would be willing to get their kids a "free" Amazon Phone for wi-fi use, which in turn locks a great percentage of the next generation into Amazon goods and services.

Considering how horrible the pS3 Browser is has anyone seen/had a hands on with the PS4 Browser?

simply put: Follow the money. If a device is built/made/assembled in The USA then they employ workers who live in the USA to assemble/build/make it. Said workers will spend their money on purchases from stores in the USA, eat at restaurants in the USA, travel other towns/cities/states in the USA and Pay taxes in the

Now playing

This looks like a good place to leave a link to the Doubleclicks "Nothing to Prove" Youtube video

Simple solution. Everyone complain that this is what they wanted all along, threaten to buy more PS4s and then Microsoft will announce it has listened to the consumers feedback and will have 30 million white xbones available on launch day

If M$ wanted to make Xbox on line a safe place [especially with the XBone coming] they need only Enforce the existing TOS, and start suspending ONLINE ACCESS from accounts that violate it. Trust me when Little Timmy's mom finds out she can't watch "Orange is the new Black" on netflix because the account is suspended I

I think you are confused. I never called your mother an Audist. I made a statement referencing the actions of Audist Doctors that helped lead to the industry standard 2 hour minimum, which your clarified comment says your mother is against.

You forgot the part where they say they are just listening to their customer feedback followed later by a statement claiming this is what they intended all along.

Yet for some reason event though Amazon instant instant video can be developed for Kindle Fire[Android], Google TV[Android], but not for Android Phones and Tablets. Something is rotten in Denmark

And bu Denmark I mean Amazon.

Sauron's lesser known younger Brother

Woof.....Bark bark bark..Ruff......Arf!

I Have WOW! [AKA Wowway] which tied Verizon Fios for first place in Customer satisfaction [ but somehow never was never mentioned in Giz's article blurb about that particular article] and I can do nothing but sing their praises.

Decent pricing, whole home DVR [BEFORE Comcast had one] Awesome phone support, great