
There are so many things I really want to just read instead of watch a video.

Why do we have to watch a video for every single little thing these days? It would have taken me literally less than a second to get all the information I learned from watching this 2:45 video it if were presented in a list. If using video doesn't make something more understandable, just prettier, then video is not

Honestly, any interest or curiosity I had evaporated when I found out it was online multiplayer only. Ugh.

I have grown in Canada. We for the longest time had a long gun registry. The idea being to make anyone who wanted to own a weapon have to register it with the government. Pay a fee etc. It was thought it would cut down on gun related crime lol all it did was drain money from taxpayers and responsible gun users. The

Shows you what type of people play the XBOne.

Videos are neat, but I just wanted info. For others who just want the data, here you go:

Well, I searched around to see if we can actually stack PS Plus trials. Turns out they do, but only if you stack it with another trial.

So I guess by that logic I also need to have a cable subscription and a DVR for Xbox One because the TV stuff has been a heavily touted feature. So I guess now I can add my $185/month cable bill to the cost of the Xbox One.

If the above sounds silly, it's because it is. Your logic of including the Vita in the PS4 price

Interesting. Thanks! I love the fact that you can output all audio to standard earphones/headsets. Compared to the XB1, makes this console even more wallet friendly.

Why is it that the people with the proprietary formats seem to be the ones that are so gung-ho on censoring stuff? Apple does it, Kindle does it...and yet, with my Android and my Kobo, I can get basically anything I want from anywhere else.

This is why I buy my comics directly from Comixology. I can still read them on my iOS device just fine, and Apple doesn't get to take a cut of the proceeds.

Easier-to-execute word:

no android?


Play *cough* Station *cough* 4 *cough*

This drive meets every requirement for PS4!

I agree with Woz that technology should be shared more.

I think the one thing that Apple fanboys and the Awesome Android Peeps can all agree on is that Woz is awesome and should be the head of all the tech companies.

Sure, but what are the causes? Hint: it's not just because of gun ownership.

There have been MANY great super soakers after this one, I.E, the classic CPS 1000. However, that one is quite possibly the best water gun ever made.