
<Insert link to The Doubleclicks "Nothing to Prove" HERE>

How about they just fix the Android app so that you can select the default to be either most recent or top news, then have it actually work. I can't tell you the number of time I have seen it set to Most recent tapped it there again and low and behold a whole bunch of new items appear and things are reordered

You stated your Mother was complaining at how expensive the interpreters are not that she found the industry standard 2 hour minimum unreasonable.


key for me is it will also save wear on my other devices. My 60gb PS3 will live longer with my family watching netflix on this. I just wish this had HDMI pass through. Companies need to really get on the ball with HDMI passthrough.

I'm happy with my N10. I do hope any refresh has more storage. 32Gb is a bit small for a media consumption device. Not every is connected to the cloud at all times [I don't have wi-fi at work]

<cough>Amazon app store<cough>

ASL is linguistically different than written English, different Grammar ETC. It is not a 1 to 1 translation where each written word is represented by a sign. There are other cultural differences that come into play as well.

That is so weird, my Deaf Mother used to complain how expensive Pediatricians are. I sure hope Microsoft comes up with a way to replace them. I'm sure it would be just as good as a real Doctor being there in person.

Interpreters are NOT expensive. They earn a fair wage for their work. The problem lies in the

There are already Video Phone apps for Mobile devices and honestly they leave a lot to be desired. Front facing cameras are designed with hearing people in mind and do not take into consideration signing space. One should have a minimum of 1 foot above one's head and to either side of the body. often times that will

Considering the number of hearing parents that don't bother to learn sign language that would be a huge assumption ;)

As a native ASL user [signed before I spoke] I can't comment in depth because the majority of this was in Chinese Sign Language. The one ASL sign "please" looked as thought it were signed by someone who learned it [or thought they learned it] from a book. Without the subtitle I wouldn't have known what was being

I've actually had to block all the standard Def channels on my cable service to prevent my In-Laws and wife from tuning to pan and scan programs when the full screen HD versions were just a couple hundred channels north.

I thought they were changing to micro USB

From what I've read, they used the DC Universe encyclopedia as the main source.

Staples just discounted their Nexus 7 and there is allegedly an announcement coming in the next 2 days.

Secret plane, Government barely admits to existing. CHECK

Government says "We only have 20 of them". CHECK

Everyone believes the Government is telling the truth about the number of secret planes it has that it has, that it is unwilling to discuss. CHECK

I suspect If the internet was around during Shakespeare's era someone would have stated " Slang is one of the worst things to ever happen to the human language", though they might have said English language instead human language.

Well I think the fact a reboot/relaunch of the film franchise is underway and the fact they had to licence the character for the game indicates that yes the character has a high enough Q rating. I googled Mad Max: About 82,800,000 results. by comparison I googled another well known 80's franchise Rambo:About

Don't forget as to how once upon a time Scotch was [rightly] considered inferior to Irish.