
Another note: you know Mike isn't going to get any real resolution casing out the Mexicans—they are all players in Breaking Bad. I do love Mike's back story though.

I was hoping Jimmy would call Clifford out on running an advertisement after berating him for doing so successfully—especially with the opening at the end "What did I do wrong?"

Works every time.

Alexandria is clearly understaffed to handle any sort of insurgency by Negan, or even the Saviors. And if your baby dies inside you—will it eat you?

Well played.

And lube. Lots of lube.

I rocked Kiss like no one else in the 70's, a different t shirt for every day of the week at school. Then again, I was 12. Years later I pulled out some of their records for a trip down memory lane. Not even listenable in a nostalgic sense. Easily the most over rated band in history. Not even The Doors can touch

That's a bold statement, but point taken: Lennon's solo catalog is pedestrian at best. He had "Imagine", which was pretty good. The rest: meh. Elton John propped him up for his only #1—which isn't the watermark for greatness, but…

Lennon said there were enough silly love songs as a dig at Paul. So he turns around writes a hit bigger than most of Lennon's solo catalog.

I always thought McCartney's "Silly Love Songs" was THE most subtle dis track ever.

He's a little cranky this week.

She wears so much make up she looks like a female impersonator. That and Blake sets off my gaydar, making her a full fledged beard. I could be wrong.

You could watch Big Adventure without knowing a thing about Pee Wee. This one you can barely like if you are a fan, and if you aren't you would be completely lost.

I wished I liked this new movie more. It wasn't very good. Especially for such a long wait.

How could it fail? It had STING!

Iggy Pop.

He would say: I know you are but what am I?

Tracy Morgan would be proud.

Evan, you should not be accessing your cd's under your car seat while you are driving ffs.

This is good for record sales, er downloads, though—right?