
Man of Tai Chi. Yeah, it was pretty cool. Netflix methinks.

isn't THAT ironic.

No the one where they didn't want it on the album.

I heard a different story about "Train in Vain".

Yes, my cat's breath smells like cat food.

Own it, there should be no shame in your game.

If only they added: I don't even own a television.

I sell records on Amazon, but use Discogs all the time as a resource for pricing on older rarer things not normally found on Amazon. Has anyone had experience selling there?

Yet don't look lovely in chaps.

If he could have been cloned before he met Yoko and had 90% of his talent sucked out of him, it might be worthwhile.

but a defense for the assless.

I'm pretty sure I saw her tightening the harness on her strap on at one point, too.

He hates AC/DC? His opinion doesn't really matter then. To me. But yeah, Chris Brown is a POS.

My slide show is pretty full, but based on AV commentary will seek it out. Y'all haven't steered me wrong yet.

No, that was Snake Plisskin.

Yes, since she has to embrace her newly found PC feminist persona before people notice while she is funny—that she isn't that original

They are big Stephen King fans.

They filmed this at the old Arlington High School. I knew a guy that was in it, he had one line. He'd get a check for $8 for royalties years later. Too funny.

Thanks for reminding me. Will go watch "Fight Club". Again.

I'm struggling with a "Do the white thing" thing pun for this thread, it's early and I'm late for work.