
The man of 1,000 voices. Their first album is a true masterpiece of rock and roll.

Queen, hands down, the greatest concert I have ever seen or ever will see. Truly truly amazing. Four virtuosos in complete harmony.

"Excelsior" is not going to fit on that anyways.

I'm a little confused how he managed to climb into the window without her noticing/hearing, but willing to suspend disbelief for sake of the story.

Taking the chocolate will be critical at some point.

Carol blew me away. Oh em gee.

Luke Wilson would be equally miscast for this role

In American Hustle he reprises that wizard character, but puts a twist on it—he's an alien.

Chicks dig the long ball.

Yeah, "Shattered", too. It really drops off after that creatively. A lot of Tattoo you was written 10 years before, by the way.

I hope the movie includes his 'how dare you' moment at congressional hearing. What a dick.

The kids won't have to be geniuses to figure out she made some poor decisions with plastic surgery.

I like Devo. Mark Mothersbaugh is hugely talented. The whole denial of the fact that they are trying to sell something is a bore, though.

It does have "Beast of Burden", probably the last truly good Stones song.

Right? Maybe a phallista—a barista of sorts. Penismonger would be misinterpreted might also work. Genetalist?

Hard to beat the sounds of Beatallica's "Hey Dude", but this is pretty good job, internet.

Snarf snarf. Oh, wait that was the other half of the 'power hour'.

"Suge Knight is still in jail, right? Ok, I'm in."

If it turns out he crashed because he hit a birdie….

The paramedics at the scene report his responses to questions were stiff and without emotion. So it's assumed he's fine.