
I don't vaughnt to see any of his movies.

Nah, you're somewhere between homo and queen. Not anywhere near queer

Bob Saget has a great version of "The Aristocrats".

Get me that tape

10's across the board,except for russian judge 9.8

That 86 seconds to the sofa was brilliant. Made me think of Family Guy for some reason, which is generally not brilliant.

I bet this guy's liver is delicious.

I'm just glad the aliens had a compatible operating system in which to plant a virus. If they used Linux….

They're you go.

Brad from the onion's "Tough Season" series. Hysterical.

Yeah, but if he starts dropping huge cash after finding the embezzlers, that raises too much suspicion.

Awww, sad boosh. You're probably right. Question is: how many seasons are they planning to have this go to get to that point? I'd say he's got to last to season 3 or 4.

Yeah, when it was his turn to talk, he clearly wasn't having fun. Wow was he a dick.

I disagee. Watched beginning of it, so many close ups of fake laughter and a noticeable absence of any of the prime roasters made for a forced fun time. In addition, the Charlie Sheen one was pretty good.

I see your Dennis Duffy, and raise you Ryan O'Reilly.

Perfect, add Hank and Al Bundy to round out top five. I still stand by my top 3.

I can make a movie about a bowel movement—it doesn't mean it will be good. Though there is a market for that sort of thing.

I was working on a top three list, would have needed to go up to five—nobody makes top four lists…He's actually funnier on Modern Family, which I don't see that often, and by all accounts I should hate—but it's very funny.

Fox has put out three of the best TV dad's in history of sitcoms: Red, Bryan Cranston in Malcom in the middle, and the king Homer Simpson.

what a catchphrase: DUMBASS!