
Was John Cusak 2/3's of the first movie's budget?

Yeah, now it's a menacing name. Lol. Ducks?

He gets money from it somehow, maybe it is merchandising. I have the internet, I should look it up.

He made enough money off of those he doesn't have to work is a good guess. Doesn't he own the NHL team, too? That has to help financially.

…but mixing them together in this specific manner feels like diluting a spoonful of ketchup in a warm glass of Coke.

Kudos to any article that can mention the movie "Freejack" and leave out Mick Jagger. Emilio AND Mick in the same movie? What could possibly go wrong?

I'd say Dazed and Confused was awright awright awright and worthy of a nod from the Academy.

Great, another thing I've been doing wrong my whole life. My ex would have field day with this.


Yeah, sold a sht load of copters.

With roles from nazi gang leader Schillenger in Oz to newpaper editor J Johah Jameson in Spiderman—he is amazing. His run on Law and Order was great, too.

Oh, I paid attention. He went back to the craziest psycho one could create for book or film, need to sleep with one eye open for the rest of his life. Clearly, you've never been married/divorced so the need to stop responding is all on this side of the table ;) Enjoy everything you view, affirm your purchase

And Tyler Perry. You white people are crazy.

Oh yea, he just goes back to life as it was? Ridiculous. The only logical real ending is he actually does kill her.

Stopped reading after A.A. Dowd questioned the absence of Gone Girl. That story had so many problems. What? The police just give up? There's no video from NPH's house that shows her not being captive? She goes home drenched in blood?

I have been waiting for a "Holmes and Yo Yo" reboot for years. "Almost Human" tried but fell short.

Was it terrible when the Simpsons stopped focusing on Homer exclusively?

It helps if they put their dick in a box.

This works best if you are yelling this from frat house deck holding your football trophy cup half full of beer, with beard drenched in suds.

You had me worried for a minute.