
Women will have to view a lot to catch up, frankly. I mean A LOT.

It would be harder to simulate Tina's erotic friend fiction.

And the name of the tour supporting the album.

Wow, Love Actually sounds like the creepiest movie ever.

(slow clap)
Well played.

Beck's response was perfect when it happened, and after the show.

At the very least the way I heard it lol.

But you cannot wipe your friends on the couch when you are done with them.

Moe has one of the best lines ever in this episode. Something along the lines of "save us and I'll do anything—and I mean ANYTHING". Classic.

There was something not quite right about Flynn's hair. Almost retarded, but not quite.

No problem, all good fun on the boards….All things considered, she might actually be a super bitch. In this context Comcast would be helping her on journey to self realization and/or path to enlightenment. So then she would actually have them to thank. In that context. In reality, my ex is a VP of customer care

Your sarcasm meter needs adjusting. Jeez. Sensitive group here.

Exactly, let's give Comcast a chance to give their side of the story.

I think we have to hear Comcast's side of the story before we jump to conclusions.

Shut up Meg.

The breadth and depth of Jeff Bridges resume will never cease to amaze. Without a doubt one of the greatest actors in the history of film.

50 Shades of Grey: how many awkward first/trainwreck date stories will be born out of this film.

The truth is out there.

I'll see it if they leave John Leguizamo out. Though he does tell a funny Steven Seagal story, and impersonates him running.