was she talking about color of her menses when she was underage??
There has never been anything more intentionally sexual than makeup called "Underage Red" and "Lolita." Maybe she has little to nothing to do with the process besides saying "okay" and then promoting it, and I do believe she seems like the kind of person who has no idea what Lolita is actually about. Like, she…
The truth is, there ARE real existing problems in this world, and the last thing we need is to lose focus in pointless arguments.
What do you expect from a woman who date a Neao Nazi?
Should the headline read pressed? Is this a thing?
Fox News is confused, but mostly upset. As Fox News usually is
I don't know, though. They're profoundly disappointing allegations, and I don't know how much of it is me clinging to what I'd like to believe.
Here you are:
Dogs are extremely social. Unfortunately they love us soooooooo much! Hard to imagine them anything loving us more than we love them! Cuz, why?
Preach. I don't bring my dog into stores where he's not allowed, but hell if my little dog being In an open retail space is going to send you into anaphylactic shock I'm surprised you can go anywhere at all. Especially a dusty place like Home Depot!!
If you can't be in a giant store with a dog in it because of allergies, I hate to break it to you, but you're not gonna make it.
I live in NYC and don't have a car. My dachshund takes the subway.
I'm not insane. The reason most stores have a policy keeping dogs out is because of a preconception that they're "dirty" not because someone is allergic. That's why a grocery store still sells peanuts even though someone is allergic to them. I honestly could not care if the world accepts me and my pup. We did our own…
I can't even get through reading the title of the song
Oh, god, I just moved to a place with a few carpeted rooms, and my formerly pee-pad trained pup is in heaven—full rooms MADE of pee pads! She only poops right in the middle of the living room floor, so at least it's easy to find, but I can't figure out where she's peeing. I know she's doing it, though, because she's…