
You saying there are no other studies confirming student-professor power dynamics within an institution? Look, if you're having trouble with sources, The Womansplainer can google that for you.

True, and there are obvious LGBT relationships, but the predominant issue appears to be straight male profs fucking their much younger female students.

"Regardless, I think you're exaggerating the power a professor has over the random undergraduate."

Now you're splitting hairs, the exemption could include both married and common law spouses.

What power?! Ima let you google that. Or, if looking it up is too challenging, you can also recruit services of The Womansplainer.

I don't suppose it would be that difficult to draft a policy exemption clause for professors who were already married to their spouses. Do you?

Good for JLaw. Unlike her hacked photos, here she's exercising agency and consent by stripping down according to her own terms.

First, thanks for telling me what I might find relevant and irrelevant. I didn't know we were so close!

Nah, the analogy stands. Professors have power, as a matter of their position, over any student attending the university. This power level varies, clearly, but the imbalance is institutionally unavoidable. So they should pull up their big boy pants and quit creepin'.

THIS! Like doctors, profs should have a fiduciary responsibility to leave their students alone. To do otherwise is sick and gross.

God damn? Out loud? I see what you did there.

Thanks! Happy to lift your spirits.

I read the actual decision. The real problem was that the care home didn't pay the exorcist. So the judge ordered they be repossessed.

Sadly, I think it stays there forever. But some people will, if no one has replied yet, edit it to remove the content.

Plus the aforementioned kitteh-marshmallow hybrid. Here's another:

and campfires?

B-b-but smores?

Read the thread, Hard Thinker. Because this has been discussed. At length.

Agreed. Though...and I'm just musing here...even in those clinical contexts, I wonder if it's necessary to distinguish "women" from "females". If sex is as arbitrary and constructed a social distinction as gender, then the studies could just as easily say "men" and "women".

Haha. "Lady Doctor: The Doctor for your Lady Parts". It reads like a bus stop ad.