Yes, tell me how to read. Because that's not reductive and dismissive.
"Free speech" and "America" are weak justifications for the racism and xenophobia that Hebdo has been directing at marginalized populations in France.
Right? I will be forever dismayed that Tina Fey used the "because Murica" justification.
Yep, poverty is global problem. One way to discuss this is by considering our basic right to shit in a private clean space. We should be able to talk about that, no?
I think the point is that we tend to overlook local problems in restroom access when discussing problems afar. In the US, access is often subject to one's class status, which fucks over poor people. Particularly the homeless.
Tell them that black people are subject to ongoing systemic racism and white supremacy in the U.S. And it is understandable for folks to be super angry about that.
And the hiring committee might also want to screen for racism/white supremacy, while they're at it.
Ouch, really?
Yeah...maybe. It's one thing to reclaim a pejorative term for oneself, but I'm still not sure identifying as lesbian/bi means you can call a gay man a faggot. Different interest groups still...
Well, I wouldn't put all gay men in one basket. Like any interest group, there are diverse opinions, actions, and perspectives.
Agreed. The snark is such a bitter sweet thing.
tl;dr. I always need to work on the snark. But you haven't convinced me that independent layers, context, or multiple and independent topic discussions are something I should avoid on a critical pop cultural blog.
True that. I gotta go get a coffee anyways. The power of the dismiss button, hey? It's titillating!
You are not alone there. If you link back to the original discussion from yesterday, about concern priorities re. poverty, media access, and cultural citizenship, well...shiz gets feisty.
You will never ever ever get it back!!! Just like we'll never get that plot line back. Both are gone forever, in a quagmire of (much less serious than the article at hand) regret.
Yeah, I've been yelled at about that already. Have a read through this thread - you may well feel vindicated. You might also see my perspective. (Not crossing my fingers or anything though. Folks is grumpy at me).
The dismiss button is this awesome thing when my feelings get hurt too badly. (For eg, I just dismissed someone identifying as white ex cop dude who told me to stop "yapping"). I wonder if the Jez authors have that luxury?
It you saying "infinitely more seriously" that prompted my response. I don't agree that we can't talk about a thing, if a (much) more serious thing is also being discussed.