Weeell let's see. Wishful thinking, maybe? A little reminder to take the spoiler down before more folks see it? Unabashed persnicktyness? (I really don't know how to spell that last one).
Weeell let's see. Wishful thinking, maybe? A little reminder to take the spoiler down before more folks see it? Unabashed persnicktyness? (I really don't know how to spell that last one).
It's a convo that maybe you weren't part of. Holier than thou much?
Yeah, the oppression olympics. I don't play that game. But what I can do is mentally multitask by considering more than one issue at the exact same time. It's a trick my mama taught me.
I think we can all agree that Jameis Winston is a fucking POS idiot.
So, two points:
Agreed that racist killer cops are not a new issue. Disagree that racism predates rape. Both crimes have lengthy and dismaying histories.
I'm enjoying dismissing the "BUT THE KID WAS ACTING MENACING HURR DURR HURRRR" apologist trolls right now. I heartily encourage others to do the same.
Time to drown this fucker in a sea of lawsuits and public denouncements.
Or they're saving it for another article. Azealia did a nifty job last night of highlighting various intersectional oppressions.
It makes sense that an institution with a history of telling women how to not get themselves raped would now start telling black kids how to not get themselves shot.
Azealia Banks also had some interesting stuff to say about homophobia vs the misogyny in gay culture.
"No. Just no."
basic point yer missing: your personal experiences with (and perceptions of) oppression are not a universal measurement.
Nah. TV access is a form of cultural citizenship and class privilege.
Shit, man. And here I thought cable TV was a modern day opiate of the poorly paid working class underdog (for those who can even afford it).
Why you playing the oppression olympics?
Edit: never mind. Just repeating what others have said. Still, re spoilers etiquette, I don't think it's your readers who need to "catch the fuck up".
The Point: You've missed it.
"Not many excuses for having 6 kids if you can't handle them. I'm not one to judge.."