Same issue for me. This is an interesting look at how long it takes for Kinja to ban lame trolls.
Yeah, there's a pretty clear divide. Interesting to know!
Cool. Context is everything, right?
There is a difference between reclaiming an historically pejorative term for oneself and using it to put down someone else.
Speaking of loser trolls, KMahlon, you can dismiss the one hounding you on this thread.
Heifer - like cow - has a history of being a gendered slur, one that's aimed at women's bodies.
Well, we'll see. I flagged them to see if that has any effect, but I also thought there were contacts we could reach out to. If anyone else knows, please pipe up!
Seriously though: How did this new burner account get out of the greys? And who do we talk to to get rid of it?
'Bout time, Time.
Dear Officer 1,
Yeah, I don't often feel visceral rage, but to hear that Shekau laughed away the stealing of so many is beyond twisted.
Haha. Good old Inigo setting the record straight.
Ug. To me they wrote "did you care when the boys were being kidnapped hurr durr hurrrrr..."
True that. It's an institution with a long and problematic history.
So "marriage" is the new term for kidnapping, imprisonment and sexual assault?
I wonder if Ghomeshi was following legal advice when he showed his bosses the film?
shiz, burn. that troll is worth dismissing, no? you're not friends with its parents!
"It's the exact descriptor for about 80% of the members of US Congress."
Disagree big time Mehitabel! I could argue with you on the merits of Chow's candidacy, but from your response another v. pressing question comes to mind: