
True dat. Unless you count Oregon. (That special, special land).

Right? NDP! NDP!

Haha. Pick away, adultoscare. There's nits all over this situation.

I totally agree that we don't know who the other women are. It's about how the narrative is constructed.

Yep, the author called me on that one. My bad. Other markers still apply.

Good point, but to nit pick further, she is light skinned which is another cultural power marker. In Toronto, Olivia Chow just lost the mayoral race, attributed in part to racist and sexist stereotypes.

Yeah, Trudeau's really pushed forward on the cannabis and pro-choice fronts.

"Our home and native la—-" mind...

Three observations:

"It's much more okay nowadays to send your kid to a bible camp that teaches them that gay people are scum "

"Religion is the last acceptable excuse for prejudice."

The three religious practices you listed are way too diverse to categorize them as you have. don't think there have been rigid laws guided by secular ideology?

Didja even read it? Clearly not.

Oh, Togglebrain, pah-lease.

Haha, love that you felt the need to check back in again, Nogglehead.

We dressed up our dog and took him trick or treating two years ago. In the rich neighborhood, where the good treats are. There were mixed reactions, including some door slamming. Puppy still brought home candy though. (Lucky me.)

Well, there you have me. Two bucks says Yousafzai and that prize will be living separately by new years.

Hey now, can one nobel peace recipient not advise another? They are equals in that regard.

Thanks, just making sure! My point in this thread was more to outline the deficits in her case, as opposed to my reasons for believing her.