
Well now you're just hurting my feelings. you do want to talk about it? *confused*

Right? Frisco was pure sexxx.

Sing it!

No, but, like, seriously! Who the EFF is this felicia character?! Is it this person (and if you recognize her we could probably be bffs in another non-virtual world):

Lawyer, not law student. This is a discussion board. I'm here for the discussion. You have the option to disengage at any time, as you claimed you were going to. Oooh, the power!

Oh, I think the issue is that you are arguing with more then one person...fair enough, agree to disagree. Although it would have been nice to see a concrete example of how lap straddling constitutes lewd behavior. You seemed confident in your knowledge base.

Um..I've raised like three points on this thread...? Much less than you...?

Felicia? I don't follow. Is that a pejorative term for someone who's opinion differs from yours?

Before I answer that - because I don't cater to JAQing off - I'll first pose your question to you: Do you believe her? If so why or why not?

We don't, in fact, know that. We have photo evidence of clothed lap straddling and hearsay witness claims.

I understand your argument; however, I remain skeptical of its foundation.

Yes, but witness statements are evidence that must be tested in court. And can completely fall apart under cross examination.

The photos show that she straddled her husband while clothed. How is that illegal?

"Slut shaming is such an easy term to throw around when you're offended by someone calling out a woman for acting like she has no respect for herself"

That wasn't her position in the previous proceedings though? So not totally sure estoppal would apply...Do you have a case citation with similar fact pattern?

True that.

Really, why? *Googling it.* Oh...

You a law student?
