
I believe her. Then and now. In 2011 she was still under Dr. Luke's influence. And her lawyer can argue this coercion as a defense for the previous transcripts.

Personally, I believe her.

There was no bashing. Rather, there are arguments in this thread - on both sides - about whether it is appropriate to describe him as "one of us".

I think if you were to read this thread in its entirety you might have a different opinion.

Cool, I will check that out.

Obviously I did; read this thread.

Someone elsewhere in the comments said it better then me:

Hey Lola!

That's fair enough. I respect the way the author connects fond memories of her Dominican upbringing and grandmother to his products.

So the headline should have read "one of folks", then?

"He created clothes for women."

Oops. I thought your headline was ironic. My bad.

How did I forget?! When cyberbullying happens to him, its victimhood; when it happens to Lewinsky, she's asking for it.

I'm starring simply to highlight that Pierce is not alone in his ignorant fuckwittery. Luckily he's got Basil, the single-post-burner-wonder, to watch his back!

Repeat after me, Morgan, you ignorant fuck: Never. Blame. The. Victim

Dude. Read the rest of the thread and get with the program.

Oops - I read that list as supermodels who sing, as opposed to those who failed big time at it.

And I don't even have her eyebrows. I need some weaves, lol

Now playing

So I had to look up Tyra Banks. She's not great, but she's not terrible.

Right? The above clip where she's playing the drums - poorly - in that gawd-awful outfit... And I just want more somehow.