
I immediately think Lindsay Lohan or Paris Hilton. But Lindsay was an actor, not a supermodel. And Paris - also not a supermodel - claims to be one of the top 5 DJs in the world.

I can't help it: I love Cara.

I'm tempted to agree, but then I apply the same theory to Woody Allen's work and...well...nope.

Bob Barker the animal rights activist?! Noooooooooooo.

For real?...googling it...Ugh.

There are too many of these creeps in show biz. I see Cosby, Polanski and Allen mentioned in the comments. Who else goes on the list?

Thanks Blake. What the world really needed was Goop vol II.

Bringing forward sexual assault allegations is never easy in a judicial system that is often guilty of doubly victimizing complainants. This is compounded for Kesha as public figure. She is going to be subject to all sorts of sexualized, misogynistic, victim blaming hatred from the cybersphere. It takes serious guts

"The stress he's endured since the shooting [of a woman who had expressed fear of him, whose actions he'd berated and controlled like a jealous angry toddler, and whom was one in long line of women that he'd fucked over] was punishment enough."

Right? There were a bunch of lines which he crossed.

Yeah. He really blew it this time...

Haha, yeah, I have trouble wrestling with The Big Answers pre-coffee myself.

You sure can, sunshine. And, btw, your dad could be best friends with my step dad!

I hear ya, Dude.

Actual jez commenters. Lots, sadly. Check out the piece on Ebola.

Your point appears to be that context allowed for early racism. Because it was more pervasive somehow or because people didn't know better.

Naw, and I think this is a trap that is easily fallen into. If we could only teach it better, if we could only explain it more thoroughly, then maybe people would start taking responsibility for their own privilege. The results are the sort of impasses that we see in the above video. Bill O'Reilly aint never gonna

"Modern white feminists have no excuse".

Gawd yes. The suffragettes - as a safe and distant example for the tender white feelings present - were brutal. Apartheid, segregation, eugenics: you name it, they were for it.

Yeah, I can't even wrap my head around my own proclivities sometimes. Take Shane: super hot, but I would have NO IDEA what to do if we ended up in a bedroom together.