I thought the blog might be accessible given that, you know, we're both reading a similar blog right now.
I thought the blog might be accessible given that, you know, we're both reading a similar blog right now.
I think this particular thread demonstrates the ongoing unwillingness of white people to examine their own privilege.
Aw, shiz. I don't have one of those. Sorry to let down the team.
Belaboring points are a big thing too, but you're clearly not tired of that yet ;)
Has anyone shown this to Hamilton Nolan, Mr. Super Squats himself?
And yet it remains so applicable in this forum!
I could explain to you that calling out people with invisible and defensive white privilege doesn't mean calling out all white people. But I suspect I'm actually communicating with one of the former. So here instead is some preliminary reading to help you sort out some basic racism 101 stuff: http://www.dailydot.com/op…
Yeah, if you don't think racism is a thing...with respect to disease, population, land, and resource control...amongst many other issues...then I recommend...I dunno...google or something.
I just read your other comments. You say "hipster" and "brainwashed" a lot.
Except that the comments already demonstrate no preemption on my part.
I find the model more offensive than the materials used...
If this isn't a glass houses situation, nothing is.
Yeah, this thread has made it abundantly clear that the weight gain/loss issue is typically correlated to some other factor that is beyond the mother's control. Glad you made it through your GD to the other side!
Meanie. Until now, this thread has included engaging and nonjudgmental tales of women's individual experiences with GD and weight gain (or loss, as the case may be). So congrats for being the first person to harsh on the collective info sharing and good feels.