
It's one thing for Paula Deen to forget her racism. More dismaying is the +600 000 member facebook support group that apologizes for it.

It's interesting the way the Pageant has evolved, including providing space for gay participants.

Ug! Were they successful?

The difference is that the Pageant felt entitled to police Vanessa Williams' body. See: "We can parade your body around, but you're not entitled to do that yourself, on your own terms." The current contestant, by hazing, was merely reproducing the power dynamics inherent in the pageant itself.

Exactly. Miss America itself is the ultimate sorority hazing ritual.

Wait a're amazed now by the Pageant's moral priorities?

It will be a really bad day when we start looking to the Miss America institution, including its contestants, as some sort of moral compass whose slip ups need to be policed.

So...her fake (augmented) boob is fake?

Same. My bf learned the hard way to never wake the dragon.

Repeat after me:

Three days a week?! Perfect! Except my problem is that I tend to keep working beyond my hourly requirements. Because, you know, the files always need something more.

I know, right? I keep mistakenly assuming that those experiencing oppression will have less oppressive views of others. Clay Aiken gets to prove me wrong today.

PS. Congrats Salty Lady! Your experience was my dream...but then the 2008 recession hit and my vast legal career options became...less so.

Me too apparently! And I didn't even know that was a thing...

Haha, Vomitcize: The best route to C-section ready abs ;)

Fellow lawyer here. If I could get something in-house, or with the government, I'd do it in a second! Meanwhile, my firm hours are the sad stereotype. I can't do both.

I dream of such an outcome!

Yeah, my abs are like uncooked pizza dough so...

I love your story! For me it seems like the best case scenario! Shopping the next day!? Awesome!

Yeah, everything I've read says also says that natural birth is better. It's just my extreme fear of the actual labor, based on anecdotal accounts, that makes me want to hide behind anesthesia.