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@superhappyfuntime: Still you would think they would test the final product before going to market in it's intended case. Isn't that common sense? You can disguise it in it's initial prototype phase with field testing, that's fine. But the final product in all it's glory still needs to tested. Unless the testers used

@Batmanuel: I was hoping it got resurrected on some other network (like Southland) that appreciates it. Damian Lewis was pretty awesome on Band of Brothers. And Christina Hendricks! Besides the occasional Chuck episode there is not much worth watching at NBC.

@itsmejill: Really, just look at Taylor. Simple and so much more attractive then girl in red.

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What happens when it gets wet again? Humans sweat you know. BTW - yeast and bacteria, we can see a boom in sales for Vagisil.

After watching it, I thought to myself did they actually do a proper review on the Camaro? Most of the segment was on the Merc and they seem to just brush over the Camaro and swept it under the carpet. I mean it's a nice car and all but they seriously had a hard on for the Merc.

Something similar to this was on the short lived show Life.

Is that a map to the island in Myst?

The man lost a year of his life to Farmville is the real story.

So are they continuing their other program? Should I put on my tin foil hat??

What was she smoking that made her think it was a good idea to wear that? Cause I want some too!

Did someone at Medieval Times paid them off?

I didn't know Cleveland have a stock market, guess he didn't make out on FCOJ futures hence the zero.

You know what ESPN, I might or might not tune in to watch this egotistical manchild

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I'm actually surprised to see a post on her here. I'm actually more curious about her other movie even though the review has been so so [] .

Congratulations John! You have just won the 1 million dollar Price Waterhouse Sweepstakes.... wait his phone is not picking up. Guess we move onto the next name on the list then.

Somehow it's gonna be Obama's fault. I can see the tea partiers/trolls coming out for this

I was half expecting it to be something similar to this