Nice rack.
Nice rack.
Racist Star Wars you say?
@BottleKnockers: I don't see the insects and rodents represented in that pic.
Replace the "Sun-Sentinel's emergency room" with "TSA" and we have a winner.
Good Eats video had some safety tips in turkey frying.
@GreasyPig: She can devour me anytime, if you know what I mean.
I bet he's the kind of guy that would fuck a person in the ass and not even have the goddamn common courtesy to give him a reach-around.
Hope it's better than TG:Australia.
@omgwtflolbbqbye: got the moves too
@Pessimippopotamus: I've actually watched this last week, quite interesting.
I can never forget this...
@MrEvil: That was genius using him. I couldn't see anyone else filling in that role like he did.
Indy 5? Harrison needs the cash to feed Calista, that girl needs some meat on her bones.
@99TelepodProblems: Heard from a friend that Ermey's lines were unscripted.