I went from Firefox to Chrome and the change is nice. But I still kept Firefox as a default browser as Chrome has not entirely won me over to change for good. As for IE, if it weren't for my old job I wouldn't even use it.
I went from Firefox to Chrome and the change is nice. But I still kept Firefox as a default browser as Chrome has not entirely won me over to change for good. As for IE, if it weren't for my old job I wouldn't even use it.
@senecio: oic, then why isn't an anchor chained to it?
why isn't it sinking like a ton of bricks?
@thethirdchimpanzee: [www.megabloks.com] - I saw this at TrU one time - thought it was the store brand like in the supermarkets
Haha, I can't wait for the coverage on the games played in NY and back at Cleveland.
@Markarian: lol the wackiness of the Land of the Rising Sun
@youthinkyouknow: well it cleared up some questions I had.....
sorry the vid is a bit blurry
bedazzeled? Should we be wearing unicorn emblazoned denim jackets when whipping this phone out?
Did he just decorated his go cart with toilet paper streamers? And no brown racing stripes?
last 5 secs of the video - walk of shame
He should have installed a phone in it - "Hey I'm calling you from the eyephone. No no no, not the Apple one, it got shit reception."
Conversation overheard back at the police station as they walked in:
@eb110americana: 2 seater for Battle shits of course!
any good at dodging roadside RPGs?
Over engineered toilet when you can simply just get the Bumper Dumper
@AlienSix: Nuclear Bomb. I win.
@keehun: Think someone was watching MadTv. Bobby Lee, genius.