Not sent from my iPad: a.k.a. XL Chill

suck it early adopters!

I like mine in a box for easy stacking

Problem solved

Oooh, someone in testing gonna get fired over this. Apple rushed this out the door due or something? I smell product recall....

Great just because you won in your legal battle, you don't have to use us to toot your horn

whoa whoa whoa, wait a minute - look at all those smudges on the screen!

@clR3vv: He's not Oprah-rich yet

It's throwing a tantrum because of all the attention we are paying to iDevices. Will be up again once we get more coverage on Android.

Spencer Approved.

Damm my phone don't have a camera :(

@the_amazing_doug: That's just PR speak. Seems like every time one of them makes a statement, they end it with "We are taking things seriously."

@sudosudont: BP PR Rep: "The technician at the controls of the submersible robot was based in NYC. The slight tremor caused him to "mistakenly" shift the maneuvering joystick thus causing the submersible to bump into the cap. We at BP are taking this situation seriously."

@bearproph: Somehow in the end we are going to end up as coppertops.