Not sent from my iPad: a.k.a. XL Chill

@Jesse Navarro: Dropped it in the can? Was that before or after you finish your *ahem* business?

@sayah: Are you implying I should masturbate to images of animated sea creatures?

I hope they go bankrupt over this

Is that really you Lilo writing this post?

B.F.D. It will scratch no matter what - scratch resistant is not scratch proof.

No matter what, the person in front of you deserves the attention first. I find it absolutely rude and annoying that a date chats away with a friend about crap. I had it done to me a few times, needless to say she didn't get to know me, didn't get the jewelry I eventually will buy her, the vacations I will take her

@SkelatorDan: Doesn't matter, go watch the original first just as good now as back then when I was a kid. Oh and Disney - Lego-form TRON models or GTFO.

@Prolorn: Spoiler Alert: He casted himself as the Cabbage Vendor.

@DrinkCoffee: There's a continent just East of the US with tons of Asians, there's like billions of them and he can't find 6 kids?

@Ash (Not From Pallet Town): Probably, I'm guessing it's not gonna be a hit with the die-hard fans. Looks to be much darker then the cartoon, more about special effects then story. It's nice that they can do all these effects but it's crap if it ain't got a story to go with. Might as well be Dragon Ball. Prove me

@Elcheecho: Since Stephen Chow said "fuck it, this looks like crap"

It's Slimer speeding across our atmosphere!

These kids you met - they were wearing shades and ridiculous outfits?

Now playing

@Annalee Newitz: Jay is huge back in Taiwan. Saw him in Curse of the Golden Flower and Initial D. Hope he does a good job in this thou I doubt it given the material.

@snowy2004: sounds like the same music from Jonah Hex trailer... and we all know how well that movie turned out

@jot002: I hope they don't loose the Cabbage Cart Guy.

@n3onkn1ght: Guess that "I'm a leaf on the wind" thing didn't work out so well

@bawheid: coat hangers, jumper cables, and a couple of car batteries