Not a "People" Person

Sometimes I feel like couples should have this conversation from the beginning. I am a 100% in the - did you only cheat once? Do you feel horrible? Will it never happen again? Is our relationship otherwise good? - then I do NOT want to know. Once you are told you can’t ever forget about it, even if you forgive, and

If his wife knows he’s in rehab for sex addiction, because of the porn or whatever, then she must wonder if he’s ever crossed a line. Maybe she’ll even feel relieved that it was only one person, if it was only one person. At any rate, I very much doubt he’s preserving her peace of mind by not telling her. She knows he

Yeah that’s my question here. Like...what?

So nothing else happened for 4 years, and then this person enters SAA all of a sudden? Am I missing something here?

I used to work at a cancer center and, listen, people are the same people that they always were when they have cancer. In other words, if you’re likely to throw this against the wall when you’re healthy, you’ll throw it against the wall if you’re sick, too. And cancer patients are no more likely to be depressed than

Well, that can fuck right off.

Fine, if no one else will say it: anti-Semitism. Jenny is very beautiful but also very unabashedly Jewish.

...if that was satire, it would be brilliant. An International Alliance Against Globalism! It’s almost poetically absurd. This is why irony is dead, folks. We simply cannot come up with something fucking ludicrous enough to outrun Poe’s Law.

Of course the bump stuck ban fizzled out. This is America, where 20+ children can die and no one does a thing but GOD FORBID a woman try and get birth control or an abortion.

If a public official went on a twitter chain like that over here I think they’d probably get sectioned.

I can understand why you’d believe that a married couple, “becomes one,” as this is a very old idea enshrined in Christianity (and other religions) as well as English common law and through these traditions it remains a feature of American law: you cannot be compelled to testify against your spouse because the Fifth

What the actual fuck?!

He’s raging. He’s fuming, seething, yelling at televisions and staff. He’s spiteful and vindictive. He calls people names and is thinking about starting a nuclear war because he wasn’t able to take health care away from 23 million Americans, and needs to keep frightening people and keep the attention on him.  Puerto

Anyone who saw the execrable “Sex and the City 2" has to know Cattrall is doing the right thing (not just for herself but for her castmates as well).

As someone who’s had Botox (albeit for migraine treatment (and for free thanks to a great insurance plan) but because my migraines are mostly in the front I get the Botox there which helps with some of the creases in my forehead), it’s not such a bad thing if you do a little bit in just the right places. I’m not

By no means is it the best of her films, but I love Miss Pettigrew Lives For a Day. The way her character grows and becomes more self-assured throughout the ‘day’ of the film makes it one of my favourite comfort watches.

Gal Gadot. Hands down the most beautiful woman in film right now.

Johansson has also said before that monogamy is difficult, which seems obvious but isn’t something we hear publicly acknowledged all that often

I think the Spanish government may be seriously underestimating how social media affects global public opinion in a relatively short amount of time. For example, I knew nothing about this until recently (serious health crisis has left me not as up-to-date as I like to be, and Trump-watching is a full time job by

Because nothing discourages separatist mpvements like beats my the crap out of elderly people participating in the democratic process, right?