Not a "People" Person

Yeah, both my cats are front declawed (rescues, they came that way) and they definitely nip as their first warning signal when they’re overstimulated. They don’t nip hard unless you keep going (which I’ve seen houseguests do, weirdly) but they just don’t have too many other options. The older one also won’t bury her

30FF. Online, online everything.

Bravissimo is a UK-based store that just started retailing in the US. Their back size range isn’t the best for bigger sizes but they havea lot of good options if you’re in the 28DD to 38H rang.

Every time I walk past the VS at my local mall it’s full of kids. I know I’m an old now and 18 years olds may as well be foetuses, but I swear most of them are about 13. It’s quite weird and uncomfortable, even though I know they’re probably all buying sweatpants and roll-on strawberry scented body glitter (is that

This is actually the thing that offends me most. That the people and their contribution that he was SUPPOSED to be honoring weren’t apparently important enough for him to restrain himself from some tired political point-scoring for all of thirty minutes. That’s how special you are to him, guys.

Yeah, I tend to agree. I’ve never even been that badly off and I generally wait for the known sales events to make major purchases. I’ve noticed though that things like sales shopping, coupon-clipping and thrifting are considered to be smart and thrifty if you already have money. If you actually need to be doing those

This is how I feel. I’ve never had a pumpkin pie I’ve enjoyed, but the only pumpkin pie I’ve had has either been the slapdash grocery store version (for when you forgot that you’re not supposed to bring alcohol to uncle Jeffrey’s place this year, not after what happened during the Independence day barbeque, but you

Yes, we got something similar for our lovely lady lumps, and it’s definitely helped. They throw up now about once a week instead of once each every day.

I just put in an order for The Ordinary’s 2% retinoid in squalane and also their reserveratol (?) serum. I’ve been using Differin gel for the last few months but now it’s colder and my skin. Just. Can’t. With this. So I thought the retionid would be a better option until it warms up again.

This is absolutely true. I never spoke to my neighbours when we lived in the burbs and I hated them all.

I’m wondering if there’s a socioeconomic aspect at play here. When I was a teenager two of my friends were dating men in their thirties. The one set of parents were all over the place and I think didn’t know what was going on, the other set were initially horrified but then they found out the guy was from a very

I bought a carrrrrrrrrr!!! My 2002 Saturn finally got to the point where it was costing more to keep on the road than monthly payments would be. The final straw was getting rear-ended by an SUV when I was breaking for deer and the driver’s seat subsequently refusingto stay upright. So we got a 2016 Chevy Spark and

I would buy your house in a heartbeat. I love French windows. The only thing better is pocket doors.

I’ll also add the virtue of white as your central color is that it’s piss easy to add color to them. Rugs, towels, art, light fittings. And you don’t have to redo the whole thing if you want to change the color up.

Nope. I love them too. And white bathrooms. They look and feel cleaner and reflect light better for chopping or applying make-up. I dispute with the notionthat they’re a “trend”- I am pretty sute you could have walked into any major home improvement store over the last 30 years and get a white kitchen and bathroom

As Nancy Mitford puts it: “Marry for love if you can, it won’t last, but it is a very interesting experience and makes a good beginning in life. Later on, when you marry for money, for heaven’s sake let it be big money. There are no other possible reasons for marrying at all.”

That’s how I got my tablet. My husband put in a big order for some computer components and it was included in the package in error. Because he’s similarly moral he reported it to the company, but it took them three weeks to get back to us, by which point we’d crumbled and opened it as numerous people had told us we

I think this is also the difference between a conventional lead actress and a character actress who plays “other” women; it’s okay for McDormand to look a bit haggard in a way it isn’t for Cate Blanchett, for example, who has typically played conventional beauties and whose continuing appeal is at least partially

Interestingly, I believe that this may have been accurate in many cases. Gas lighting was established in numerous towns in the UK by the mid 1820s, whereas kerosene wasn’t patented until the late 1840s. I think there would have been some overlap though, because gas wasn’t trusted in private homes for a long time.

Aw shucks, thank you so much! I’ve been reading a primer on Victorian literature and I’d just gotten to the section on household decoration.