Not a "People" Person

I think she should have said “Well, this is a church thing with some white people, so I guess just sell me some milk?”

Oh my god, this reminds me of the story my coworker told me about when she was trying to find ranch dressing at the grocery store, and one of the salespeople insisted on showing her the jalepeno dip instead “Becayse I know how you people like to fiesta!”

I watched the first episode out of a vague sense of cultural duty because I heard a lot of buzz and then I binged the whole season in about a week. Loved it and can’t wait for the second season.

I love a man in a sweater. Snuggly.

Oh God. My husband and I are talking about finally upgrading to smartphones from flip phones now that we are both working, but I’m so far behind the technology curve at this point that it’s giving me anxiety. I feel like a Victorian spinster who’s just gotten used to the idea of gas lamps instead of whale oil and

This is why it made so much sense to me when Gigi did the Victoria’s Secret show. That was a collaboration that made perfect sense because her fan base seems to be made up of teenagers and college kids, who also seem to be the people who shop most at Victoria’s Secret. And even if their mom won’t let them buy lace-up

You know, stirrup pants as a wardrobe solution to the problem of keeping your pants tucked into boots during winter is one thing. But as a statement in and of themselves? That dog won’t hunt Monsignor.

Yeah, I remember reading an interview Thorne Smith did at the time and she was talking about how it was difficult to be a “larger” woman on that set and to have to tell the wardrobe folks that yes, she needed to wear a bra. Which is cuckoo because she was a slim woman even before she joined the cast.

I watched it on and off when I was younger and it was okay. A lot of it won’t stand up now; the cast is overwhelmingly white and thin (not even so much Flockhart, who seems naturally slightly built- a few of the actresses lost noticable amounts of weight over the course of the series and they all sounded miserable in

This is very true. I think a lot depends on how regularly you have work done, and how early you start. I forget who it was, but I think some actress said that the secret to not looking like you’d had plastic surgery was to do a little at a time as soon as you start seeing the aging effects, not to wait until everyone

Jamie Lee Curtis looks great and age appropriate, even though she’s had work done in the past. Anjelica Huston seems to be keeping it pretty real. And if Robin Wright has had work it’s very, very good work.

I think SJP is a good example of someone who doesn’t necessarily totally fit normal beauty expectations in Hollywood, but I wonder if she is a case of an exception proving the rule. I have heard a lot of people, mostly men tbh, rag on her looks, she seems to have a love it or hate it face. I think she’s gone down the

Exactely. Also, my husband was a rocket scientist (well, an engineer) for a good part of his career and yeah, sometimes he has to be reminded that he’s A) not the smartest person in the room and B) even if he is, there are things that are more important. The whole song is about not resting on your laurels.

I think it was after he insulted McCain that I started to think he was going to win. I figured that if he could saunter up and punch the sacred cow of face-value veneration of the troops right in the udders, there was very little he could actually do that would turn people off.

Unpopular opinion: I don’t think the excerpts of the tapes that I have heard thus far have put her in a terribly impressive light. I respect and admire her charity work but I don’t think she herself was all that exceptional and I certainly don’t think that prying through her dirty laundry is the way to respect her

A fair few of my husband’s friend are current or ex-military, and I’d say it’s about even stevens between the conservatives with a small c and the quietly liberal. Even the one Libertarian guy loathes Trump though and thinks this ban is a waste of time.

I’d always imagined myself getting a gentleman cat, because my experience had led me to believe they were more chill. But when it came down to actual cat shopping we just wanted chill cats who could potentially live with dogs, so now we have two big and brassy lady cats. One them them is now asleep with her paw on my

Also, this is only really going to be a thing in the summer months, I would imagine. For a couple of months out of the year.

I love all these people saying “You’d be annoyed too if they were playing the music for hours at a time.” Because A) I’m pretty sure after a certain point you’d block it out, like people who live next to train tracks or interstates and B) what has happened to society that people jump straight from “I am annoyed at

Yeah, I don’t bring my husband shopping because it’s not FUCKIN’ amatuer hour, goddammit!