Not a "People" Person

I saw a male stripper once, but it was just him, and he was dancing in all of two square feet of floor space in someone’s through lounge. We offered him a cup of tea afterwards but he had three other gigs that night so he couldn’t stay. It was...not erotic.

Yeah these women will almost certainly get all or most of their money back, but bankruptcy takes a long time. The firm my husband worked at went bankrupt and it was a year before he got the money he was owed for unused PTO. So they are going to be out that money for a while.

Agreed. I mean, I still feel worse for the people who lost their jobs at these stores and in the factories. But even a small-scale wedding generally involves a lot of timing and coordination and having any one element fall through at the last moment would be a nightmare for anyone. And unless you’re a very average

THANK YOU. I had a tiny wedding that cost maybe $500 including the dress, the dinner with our parents and a hotel for the night. It was fine. It got the job done. But it wasn’t what I wanted and I’m always going to be a bit sad we don’t have any good photos of the day and that a lot of people we loved couldn’t be

Yes. I don’t think it’s unreasonable to not want to have to climb over your stove to get to bed, for example.

There’s a woman who works in my office who I only realized was pregnant about two months before the birth. Before that she just looked like she’d had a big lunch. About a month after she gave birth she also looked like she’d had a big lunch. A month later her tummy was completely flat. Apparently that was her third

I keep saying this. Why have a tiny house and have to come up with a dozen expensive custom solutions for everyday stuff when you can just buy or build a smaller-than average house? It’s making a cross for your own back. And sorry, but most of you do not need your house to be on wheels. Stop.

I’m not really hating on her, I just think it’s not the best decision for someone in her position.

Agreed. Rehoming is usually not this complicated, but it can be, and if an individual comes to the conclusion that they cannot give a particular animal what it needs and decides to rehome (and I think it should be emphasized that what Dunham did is a lot different from dumping your animal outside a shelter or

The folks where I live are terrible for doing this. I am very nervous about left turns at intersections like this unless they’re dedicated, so I would rather wait, but it’s pretty normal here to see people drive out into the middle of the box and camp there. I’ve seen them block multiple lanes of though traffic.

I’ve actually never heard of Stella Maxwell before this so I looked her up. I actually think her face is very interesting, but she does not look like a VS girl and she looks a lot better when her hair is not so very blond.

This week in particular seems really, sincerely ehthusiastic? I agree that it’s not necessarily bad, but I feel like I’m waiting for the other shoe to drop.

I used to do the under-layer crimping thing too and it’s not just you, it just doesn’t work unless you have lots of hair already. If you have thin or fine hair it just collects in the crimp divets.

Tell me about it. I’m from the UK and literally the only thing I can say for my home country this year is that we didn’t elect Trump (I cannot with confidence say we wouldn’t have if given the opportunity). If it’s any consolation I can confirm that virtually everyone I’ve known from or connected to Poland has said

This was my immediate thought. Even if it’s your own kid, whose butthole you adore as an extension (or finale, depending on perspective) of the rest of them, the absolute best most of us would feel at seeing it over dinner would probably be resignation. It’s not an asset to the meal for most people, is what I’m saying.

You know, sometimes expectations are a life-limiting cage of our own making. Other times, they’re not. Baby buttholes, and the asbence from an eating place thereof, fall decidedly among the latter.

As a Brit in the USA, the 4th to me is usually just a welcome day off work. But my husband and I did spend the day at that most American of places- the mall! He had to buy new shoes, which is an EVENT because he literally wears his shoes to bits before he replaced them. I got new jeans and a free eyeshadow palette

Also, and I usually hate it when people do this, but- don’t we have bigger issues to be thinking about? Pay gaps, reproductive and maternity rights, increased and better representation of trans people, black women, just about any group of women... these all bother me and impact society in a far more destructive manner

I honestly don’t think I’d get any big procedure done, but I would definitely spend a commensurate amount of money on a physical trainer and dietician, which I’m starting to think is kind of the same. I like my general shape, I just want it all smaller and tighter.

Personally, I think there is something rather luxurious about a full bush. I don’t think there’s any need to modify it if you don’t like it. If you’re concerned about what potential partners will think, like every other thing on the planet, some people will love, some will hate it, and a very sizable percentage will