Not a "People" Person

Or at least, not being in a formal relationship.

Yeah, I feel like everyone is jumping to the conclusion that this is a sexual thing (because ScarJo is a sexy sexy lady), but this could just as easily be someone who’s very into their career and doesn’t like being pulled in two directions.

I’d imagine she spent a lot of time away working as well, which would make it harder again. It would be much easier to slip into that “living separate lives” thing if you were spending months away at a time on shoots and publicity trails. In a way, I suspect it’s not monogamy that she (and lots of other actors) have a

In a perfect world, or at least one with an efficient, responsive immigration system, this would be an easy question. I don’t think many people seriously believe in the feasibility of a borderless world. The problem is that this isn’t a perfect world, and the laws that we have aren’t able to give justice to many, many

I actually quite like it, but I think the problem is that it’s not actually going far enough. If you’re doing LaChapelle, you need to cram that fucker as full of imagery as possible. There’s all kinds of space next her knees that they could have used. EMBRACE the kitsch.

I just love this sketch. I quote it way, way too often.

Oh man, our Rosalind wants into the basement like crazy. She will sit and the bottom of the stairs and WAIL, especially if my husband goes down there. Sometimes she just starts mewling and rattling the door on the off chance we’ll change our minds and let her down there. Laundry can only be done when there is an extra

I actually really hate talking politics with people I don’t know here, especially if they’re white, because way too often I’ve had people unload lengthy descriptions of what they feel is wrong with this country (spoilers: too many brown people and taxes, not enough God) and then had to break it to them that no,

Isn’t jingoism mixed with racism grand? As a white migrant, I can count on one finger the number of times I’ve been told to go back where I came from.

Also, as another legal alien, I love how people say that like it’s a threat. Obviously it’s not true for everyone, but I did not come to live in this country because my own was a hellhole or because the USA is #1. There are lots of things I love about my home nation, just as there are plenty of things I love about

NPR actually has an article up that points out that none of the countries of origin of radicalized Islamic terrorists who have actually committed terrorist atrocities in America are actually on the list.

I used to visit xoVain every day until right up near the end (once they started cross-posting stuff from InStyle the quality nosedived). I stopped going to xoJane regularly a good few years ago, and then occasionally I’d stop in, recoil in horror and back out slowly. For every 1 well-written, insightful article there

See, this is my thing. I truly and utterly abhor violence. I didn’t particularly enjoy that Gif. Heck, I get upset when I listen to the Little Shop of Horrors soundtrack and the dentist sings about poisoning guppies. But does anyone really think that a Goddamn, honest-to-whatever Nazi (who wears a short back and sides

Really, I’m starting to think this is just a waiting game. If Trump thinks the critique is bad now, he’s DEFINITELY not going to be able to handle the scrutiny that being the actual president brings. If he’s incapable of ignoring a barely-funny TV sketch at his expense he’s likely going to end up hemorrhaging before

He’s also the piece of shit that asked what “sub-groups” of people (other than old, white men) had contributed to civilization during the campaign last year.

This right here is my concern. I really don’t care that much about the golden showers/prostitutes (although my current theory is that Trump actually doesn’t like sex at all. He will talk like a macho man for his core, but deep down I think this is a man who thinks women and bodily contract are gross and beneath his

I try to do a booze-free month every year. I love wine and beer, I’m British, and my father is essentially a functioning alcoholic, so for me it’s risk-management. I don’t feel like alcohol in and of itself is a particular danger, but I know I am not someone with a great degree of self-control around it and need to

I still haven’t watched The Wire. It’s been on my Amazon watchlist for about two years at this point.

I really wanted to watch Preacher but we don’t have a TV that links to regular channels. Also I am usually asleep when people put the good stuff on...

I feel like it’s a slow burner. I really didn’t care much about the first episode, watched the second mostly for the frocks and by the time I got to the smog episode I was hooked. But, I will watch almost anything about terse rich people of the 1930s, so there is that.